Jon Gaunt Cunto

Jon Gaunt

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SIX nominations have turned up within the space of a few hours, all for the same cunt. Is this the same bloke putting in six times with six differnet email addresses and aliases? Maybe but that’s fine, that’s cool.

And it’s all for a cunt I’d never heard of but the nominator(s) certainly make his or their pitches with passion.

Cunt: Jon Gaunt

Title: Fat Dieting Cunt,

Nominated by: BP from the Midlands, Steve, Geoff Capes, Dave from London Mac McClure from North Devon, Jon Adams from Bolton,

In a deck of Cunto Cards?: Not Yet

Jon Gaunt Cunto
Jon Gaunt, Radio Cunt

The nominators say:

“He’s just a complete cunt. Sacked from every job he’s ever had because of his massive racist ego and now flogging a dangerous subscription diet despite being really fat”

“Absolute bell end cunt. nasty vindictive cunt”

“Peddles anti Muslim, anti trans, homophobic, Trump-fellating, pro-Brexit propaganda on behalf of the Kremlin now on Russia Today as no other cunt will touch him. Oh, and he’s morbidly obese yet is trying to flog a diet he’s developed (stolen online) for thick racists telling them they should eat fry ups and full cream every day. Then there’s the bullying of Iain Lee that made the press. Considered a cunt by the entire media world. You’ll sell a million packs of cards if you include this bastard.”

“He attracts racist far right pricks and now does podcasts and the fat cunt has just launched his own diet despite being morbidly obese. He has the thinnest skin possible and threatens to call the “Pleece” on everyone for disagreeing with him. His twitter is @jongaunt”

“Jon Gaunt has proved himself to a shining example on the packed field of cunts. He has the audacity to run a diet site and offer nutritional advice when when he is the size of a fucking house and if anyone asks a diet question he does not agree with his goes full cunt instantly. One look at his twitter feed shows he is the king of the cunts”

“Jon Gaunt is a cunt of the first order, well deserved of the title. He’s a bully, a liar, a coward and a fraud.”

Our Own Research

The six(!) nominators all have their own way of saying things but they pretty much stick to the same themes: Jon Gaunt is a nasty cunt on the wireless, a nasty cunt on Twitter, has been sacked from everywhere for Cuntery and peddles some spurious diet despite being actually porky.

Let’s check out the claims:

Sacked From Everywhere?

Gaunt was sacked from TalkSport in 2008 for calling a local councillor a “Nazi” and an “ignorant pig”. The councillor was questioning whether smokers should be allowed to foster children. Apparently the “Nazi” bit was offensive. Gaunt appealed but lost his case in court. 

After that played out, Gaunt broadcast “SunTalk2 online for Sky News but this was shut down after 18 months. Sky said this was a “business decision”. In my brief search, I can’t find anything that says it was a sacking

Apart from that Gaunt has worked at a string of Radio stations across the country


Right – After a quick sketch around the internet it’s clear what kind of cunt Gaunt is – he’s a rabble-rouser. The pose is “freedom” and being against “snowflakes”. It’s a fairly easy gig and Gaunt is fairly good at it but he’s no Cunto Hopkins. He gets shouty which makes him sound like a madman.

Angry Nasty?

Yeah – Gaunt does get shouty and OUTRAGED. it’s a schtick, obvs but it’s poor schtick. The disappointing thing from cunts like this is that they sometimes have something common-sensical to say but any sense gets smothered under the bluster and the pretend-anger. Gaunt went to drama school and after watching five minutes of his performances on youtube, you can see that influence.

Fake Diet

This seems pretty harmless to be fair. It’s a podcast, apparently about eating less sugar and doing more walking which seems like decent enough advice although maybe not enough to build a whole podcast on? And yeah – he still seems a bit fat.

Rank This Cunto Now

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You can also see how he fits into the overall hierarchy of Cunto on the rank page.

Rating: 4.9/5. From 593 votes.
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  1. A Cunt without equal. Cannot have a reasoned twitter argument, just resorts to blocking. Lies and cheats his way through life. Cunt of the Highest Degree

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 18 votes.
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  2. Total dooosh canoe

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  3. Even his name almost spells cunt (if you squint a bit and look at it from over 8 feet). That has to be definitive proof that this really is the ‘chosen’ cunt sent by the Almighty One to make everyone appreciate Noel Edmonads more.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 15 votes.
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  4. Gunt’s diet was nicked from other sources and he’s demanding people pay him £99 a year for access to – advice and suggestions available elsewhere.
    Gunt was sacked from Fubar Radio too, because the other presenters hated him and he demanded new chairs every week to fit his fat arse.
    Gunt calls himself working class yet lives in a £3,000 a month rented house in the centre of Warrrrrrrrrwick and demands people who listen to his political podcast give him a fiver a month (or a tenner) for the privilege of hearing him roll his Rs and fellate Donald J Trrrrrrrump and Tommy Rrrrrrrrrrrobinson.
    He also goes on about “frrrrrrree speech” whilst denying others theirs.
    All in all, Gaunt is a cunt.

    Rating: 4.9/5. From 14 votes.
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  5. PS He’ll probably threaten to sue you and call the Pleece.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 11 votes.
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    1. Or shout “rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtract or face the consequences” Lol ha ha ha

      Rating: 5.0/5. From 5 votes.
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  6. Absolute wanker and top-cunt from day one.

    Nobody deserves this more.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  7. It’s worth remembering too that his sackings include, impressively, being fired and removed as a director from his own radio station “Talk2MeRadio”.

    If there was a Champions League of cunts, Gaunt would be Real Madrid, with a team of eleven Sergio Ramoses.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 13 votes.
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  8. A serious point of order here, Gaunt deliberately bullied Iain Lee, both on his radio show and most cuntish of all via direct e-mails. Knowing full well Iain was suffering mental illness and contemplating self-harm, he addressed him “Depressed Boy” in his e-mails and accused him of “swinging the lead” and threatened to reveal intimate secrets about Lee’s private life in his podcasts.

    There is no person more despicable, unpleasant and hated in radio.

    Rating: 4.9/5. From 18 votes.
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  9. This cunt has burned every brrrrridge possible is his media career. He hangs onto his semi successful past by getting his Wikipedia entry locked and protected so that it makes him look like he still appears on TV and radio. Gaunt always manages to fall out with everyone he’s ever worked with and uses people for his own benefit and then fucks them off when they are of no use to him anymore. He is constantly threatening people with legal action and the “pleece” whenever anyone is critical of him and claims he is under police protection after a comedian walked past his house waving a bra in the air. He now is a mouthpiece for the Russian propaganda machine which is RT. He will do and say what he is told just to earn a few rubles. Gaunt is a CUNT.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 13 votes.
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  10. The funniest thing about weapons-grade cunt Gaunt is realising where his racism and inferiority complex has its roots:

    His wife had a well-documented affair with a highly-successful gentleman of colour, and one of his tubby daughters is shacked up with an Indian lad.

    Rating: 4.9/5. From 11 votes.
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  11. Braaaaaaaaaaas. Yes, he also wanked into a bra. It’s in his book.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 6 votes.
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  12. This cunt is ridiculed and despised by most of the radio media in the UK. I have worked with him when he was at Talksport and he constantly referred to his callers as “Thick twats” but he didn’t mind as long as the phones kept ringing. He is one of the nastiest cunts you will ever meet. I was over the moon when he was sacked. We could relax and not have to deal with his self importance and rants. Once a cunt, always a cunt.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 15 votes.
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  13. I wonder how many cease and desist emails Cunto have received in the last 12 hours?

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 14 votes.
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    1. Or ones threatening to call the pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeece


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  14. His diet plan is just his latest con-trick as Jon Gaunt conned me out of £1000 which HMRC are now investigating. I hope they lock the cunt up !👍🏽

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 14 votes.
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    1. And that went well didn’t it 🙂

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  15. What a horrible cunt. I have never heard of him but after looking at his twitter stream he gets a 5 star cunting from me.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 8 votes.
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  16. I remember this cunt from Talk Sport. He bragged about turning left on planes and having a Jaguar. Looking at his twitter he seems to be on his arse. I could not believe that the FAT CUNT is selling a diet. How the mighty have fallen.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 11 votes.
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  17. Jon Gaunt is a filthy plastic patriot who masquerades as some working class right wing Internet hardman. In reality he’s nothing but a wankstain in a black lacy bra. He cry’s bitterly when pulled up on this, often threatening legal action or ‘pleece’ visits. Also to my knowledge every business he’s had has failed, from the nightclub to Talk2meradio and all the crap in between. He’s now reduced to begging from thick racist old men and shilling for Russian media. His Simple & Fat Diet plan took a year to launch and after nearly 6 months still has only under 200 ‘secret subscribers’ Anyone who dares to question his ‘lifestyle fat club’ is immediately blocked, including experts and doctors.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 15 votes.
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    1. My sister’s ex boyfriend said to us in his car “Gaunt speaks for the common man. Not like today when you have to be disabled, black or a lesbian for anyone to listen to you and get on the air”

      Suffice to say she’s well shot of that cunt

      Rating: 4.4/5. From 7 votes.
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  18. I used to actually like his talk show on the radio but since he was sacked from the radio he has gone all far right wing to try and provoke a reaction. The result is that most of his twitter followers are ex National Front, BNP and other fuckwit organisations. Not only is he a cunt but he’s a fat racist cunt with no money and a pug fugly wife.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 13 votes.
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    1. You still doing those special sausages Aubrey?

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      1. I got a sausage for you if you want it

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    2. Much of the shit he comes out with and does he would not have done when on the rrrrrrradio or writing for The Sxn because he knows it would have got his fat cunt arse sacked on the spot.

      Now he’s got no job or career to lose he’s off the leash and the results are psychotic.

      Rating: 5.0/5. From 5 votes.
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  19. I don’t know what all this fuss is about. He was very pleasant to me when he visited my male health impotence clinic. He couldn’t get a stiffy because of his diabeetiss so I suggested he put a pork scratchings poster on his bedroom ceiling. Apparently his man spooge now contains 95% pork DNA.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 13 votes.
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    1. Lies. Rrrrrrrrrrrrretract or face the consequences.


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  20. This cunt got me a written warning from my boss because I called Gaunt a dick on twitter. My bio said where I worked and he emailed the company demanding that I was sacked. He also threatened the company with legal action as my tweet was sent from their office.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 12 votes.
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    1. Yeah he calls people snowflakes then acts like this to anyone who says anything to him that causes him offence.

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  21. Jon gaunt is a fat fucking racist whose wife is cheating on him with the local butchers, I’d love to bump into him I’d smash his nose through his skull

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 11 votes.
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  22. I live with him and can confirm you’ll find no cunt bigger

    Rating: 4.9/5. From 18 votes.
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  23. Jon Gaunt is one of the most cuntiest of cunty people I have ever worked with. He walked into the studio and thought he was god himself. What he didn’t realise is that his production team were sending abusive emails to him for shits and giggles whilst he’s on air. Jon, if you are reading this which I am sure you are, EVERYONE at talksport thought you were a CUNT, myself and ALL my colleagues included. Even the guys upstairs in the creative dept fucking hated you despite you praising them for your trails and stings. You should have heard the piss take versions, they were fucking amazing. You would have sued the company if you heard them. I can still recall one which was rather good which had the Mr Blobby theme in the background.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 16 votes.
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  24. Fuck me, this guy really is a cunt of epic proportions. He pissed my 300k investment up the wall and had the audacity to claim he owned the radio station that I bankrolled. He soon piped the fuck down when I sacked him and removed him as a Director. Things got to a head when after pocketing listener donations he went on a tour of the U.S to undertake ground breaking interviews. The whole trip was spent bumming his racist room mate, speaking to a Latino chambermaid and filming himself threatening people. Those videos came back to haunt him when I sacked the cunt over the toxic content. I’ve now changed the locks at the studio and hope I never have the misfortune of running into that bellend again, unless he’s standing in front of my Range Rover

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 15 votes.
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    1. I wondered what happened while I was out of the country.

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  25. This man force fed me pork scratchings, double cream and butter. He said I’d get thin as long as I stuck to that diet, paid him a tenner each month, did 2 squats every morning and never published any photos of myself. I’m now in intensive care having my blocked arteries flushed with bleach and that cunt is refusing to take my calls. I’m not thin either

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 14 votes.
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  26. Toxic cunt

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 13 votes.
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  27. We’re after this cunt too over some of the claims he’s made. Reckons his diet of pork scratchings can solve erectile dysfunction, diabetes, blindness and world peace. Gaunt you cunt, we’ll be in touch

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 14 votes.
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  28. Don’t believe a word this shit weasel says

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 16 votes.
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  29. Jon Gaunt kicked me in the face when I asked him if he could spare some change.

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  30. I was in a children’s home with him back in 1867. He was a cunt then too.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 15 votes.
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  31. I like Jon Gaunt. I gave him £200 once, I had to stop smoking for half an hour though to afford it.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 11 votes.
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  32. This cunt bought some bras off me on ebay. He paid me and then wanted to send them back for a refund. When he returned them they were all stuck together and seemed to be covered in toast crumbs.

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  33. He rescued me from a bin, let me carry his equipment but never paid me enough to get my teeth fixed – what a cunt.

    Rating: 4.9/5. From 11 votes.
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  34. i luv john gunt. He telz it ow it iz. he is nit a racist, he just duz nit like certain tipes of ppl.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 9 votes.
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  35. Mr Gaint has provlems witg spellinh on hif laptol.

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  36. He never gave me more than 5 seconds when on the radio and treated me like I was thick.

    Thing is I am thick but I thought he’d put me on for at least 10 seconds.

    I like coins.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 8 votes.
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  37. He wrote a book called Undaunted which detailed childhood sexual fantasies including having sex in a children’s home as well as committing onanistic acts inside a bra.
    He made his daughter proof read it.
    The act of a cunt of the highest order.
    The book is available at most car boot sales, jumble sales or in the free bins of charity shops. I warn you, don’t use it as lavatory paper as you will wipe more on than take off.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 12 votes.
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  38. This CUNT came into my butchers shop, grabbed a shit ton of sausages and legged it. I couldn’t be arsed chasing him but he did shout, “hey hey hey, see ya” as he wobbled out of the doorway.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 12 votes.
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  39. I have just woken from a coma after being asleep for 50 years and I can confirm that Jon Gaunt is the biggest cunt I know. When I was 7 years old he twatted me in the temple with his mother’s dildo. The smell is still with me as I woke up. It was like waking up on a fishing trawler.

    Rating: 4.9/5. From 12 votes.
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  40. I have been following this cunts diet and now I am in the cardiac ward after a huge heart attack. The worst thing is that they give me cereal and toast for breakfast. Are they trying to kill me? Agree? Retweet

    Rating: 4.9/5. From 12 votes.
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  41. I saw this cunt filming himself waddling up some steps. Next thing he collapses and muggins here had to call an ambulance. I put him in the recovery position but my hands kept slipping off his skin. He was so greasy and smelled like a rancid grill pan. Weirdly his pocket was full of raw bacon.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 14 votes.
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  42. I downloaded this cunts latest podcast. Half way through, armed pleece broke in and arrested me for possessing indecent audio material.

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  43. I saw Jon Gaunt in the local supermarket around the bargain bin waiting for the shop to close so he could pick up a bargain or two. The problem was, it was 11am and he seems to be quite drunk. I asked him if he was ok and he said, “Shut up silly boy, I am going to report you to twitter”. I just laughed and walked away. Stupid cunt.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 13 votes.
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  44. I donated £750 to this cunt in return for advertising my cooking oil brand on his rant cast. He went apeshit when I told him the tagline.

    Rating: 4.9/5. From 10 votes.
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  45. The r rrrrrrrolling
    Saying twenny for twenty, pleece for police etc.
    The voice of a cunt

    Rating: 4.9/5. From 9 votes.
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  46. I love him. We had some special times together.

    Change the way you bum.

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  47. We had to repossess 4 luxury villas in Cyprus from him as he claimed he was too famous to pay for them.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 6 votes.
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  48. I can confirm that Dr. Gaunt is a qualified nutritionalistic scientist of bacon and other pork products, including pork chops, pork steaks, pork swords, pork key parry and pork flavoured gin. You cunts are just jealous because you know nothing about pork.

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  49. I donated money to this cunt to have my dear beloved late mother’s name mentioned in his book. It was always her dream to have her name in a book. The book was never published but he still took my money. The good news is that he’s on his arse trying to make fat people even more unhealthy.

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  50. This cunt stopped me in the street and told me that he couldn’t get a stiffy. Not sure why.

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  51. I am a professor from the university of Clacton on Sea and I can confirm that Jon Gaunt’s diet works if you don’t follow it.

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  52. I sold him some curried sweets once. He didn’t pay me.

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  53. This CUNT ruined my band in the 80s when he promised to get us gigs. We would have been the first Asian 80s pop group.

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  54. “John who?”

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  55. I owned this cunt in a parliamentary committee hearing. It was all down to him being a massive crook, wasting a load of police money and selling some t-shirts off the back of it. He’s a nasty scumbag and a very big cunt

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 8 votes.
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  56. We have been trying to contact Mr Gaunt for some time regarding unpaid taxes relating to listener donations. Each time we knock on his front door nobody answers but we hear 2 sets of footsteps running up the stairs to hide. We were standing outside a few weeks ago when a man walked past saving a black bra. All very strange but he does appear to be a cunt nevertheless. We’ll be back soon for what we’re owed

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  57. Он влагалище. Очень противный человек
    On vlagalishche

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  58. I had a few run ins with this cunt during the handover when our breakfast show finished on talkSPORT. His voice was so high pitched it used to trigger one of my migraines and I’d need a lie down in the Travelodge. He was despised by everybody in that building. I still hate the cunt to this day and commend him on this award

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 11 votes.
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    1. You Wernent fit to clean the spittle from my microphone, I’d stop with the accusations if I was you graham I know where all you skeleton are lurking

      Rating: 2.1/5. From 9 votes.
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      1. I thought you were too busy wanking sorry walking, Fatty?

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  59. He cunt

    Rating: 4.9/5. From 10 votes.
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  60. Please take down these filthy comments at once or face the consequences, screenshots have been taken and the police have been notified, I will not put up with this nonesense a minute longer, expect a visit from the police


    Rating: 2.8/5. From 16 votes.
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    1. The police and HMRC know about you conning me anyway that that’s all I’ve said!!! The whole world should know about your conning tricks

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      1. Are you still alive, how’s the ex wife doing lol

        Rating: 1.0/5. From 8 votes.
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        1. You really wanna discuss wives?

          Rating: 5.0/5. From 12 votes.
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        2. Yes I’m still alive waiting for you to visit me with your strong words yet limp actions! No wonder Olive went elsewhere because she wanted a real man not some fat cunt who cons his nearest and dearest!

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          1. She ran off with your brother or was it your best mate can’t quite recall probably both, have my mates on the alagarve been in touch yet they’re coming to pay you a visit little boy

            Rating: 1.5/5. From 8 votes.
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        3. What’s Olive doing today Jongle? Is she really at work or having her insides prodded by Lincoln?
          Well since you’ve become cock dead, as well as brain dead, she’s a woman with needs.

          Rating: 5.0/5. From 6 votes.
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        4. So first it was ‘mates’ near Malaga now it’s ‘mates’ in the Algrave (yes that’s how you spell it). Let’s be honest you don’t have any mates and anyhow why don’t you pop over for a chat? Oh and by the way I don’t have a brother yet if I did I would have treated him far better than what you did with yours!! #ConMan

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    2. I’m sure Marrrrrrrrrrtin will help you.


      Rating: 5.0/5. From 6 votes.
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  61. We will not tolerate this either. Jon is one of our best customers and purchases at least 3 new bras a week. Please leave him alone

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 13 votes.
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  62. Yeah, leave my brother alone and do what he says. He told me to go into business with him and that turned out to be the best decision I ever…… Oh, hang on, no, that was actually the worst bit of advice ever as the company was slated in the press and dissolved shortly afterwards. As you were

    Rating: 4.9/5. From 11 votes.
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  63. This cunt never paid me for the last few months I worked for him!

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  64. Yes. He is a cunt.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 8 votes.
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  65. And not to forget the time he thought he’d found a member of talkforums phone number, and then actually phoned it on Xmas day,only to get through to that members elderly mother, who he then threatened anyway, that he was coming round with a van full of heavies.
    A massive cunt only barely covers him.
    The cunt.

    Rating: 4.8/5. From 13 votes.
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    1. It was him just pretending to be a random old bag.

      Rating: 1.7/5. From 6 votes.
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  66. Fliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiies

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 8 votes.
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  67. I think he’s a nasty piece of work and karma is catching up with you.I will leave that there Jonathan and I await the pleece knock at my door but we all know it’s the usual empty threat Jonathan

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 13 votes.
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    1. You fucking vile no mark

      Rating: 1.2/5. From 18 votes.
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      1. Please stop calling us, you cunt of a snowflake

        Rating: 4.6/5. From 11 votes.
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      2. Hi Jonathan,
        You might think of me as a vile no mark but you are romping the league in a packed field of cunts.
        When you need advice on being seen as a joke and a cunt by your peers you will ask but until then pipe down fatty and keep shoving the Scratchings up your ricker.
        If you’ve got kids tell them your a cunt,demonstrate your a cunt and hey hey don’t forget to show them your beating Jimmy Saville and Tony Blair in the league of cunts

        Rating: 4.8/5. From 17 votes.
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        1. Jon Gaunt is such a cunt he’s even beating Jimmy Savile and Tony Blair in the cunt stakes. UN-BELL-EEEEEEV-AHHHHHH-BULL.

          Rating: 4.7/5. From 12 votes.
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        2. hows the wife’s job? It would be an awful shame if I emailed them your comments in fact I think I will be doing that very thing, who’s talking now


          Rating: 1.0/5. From 9 votes.
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          1. Hi Jon, Whatever our employees husband gets up to is none of our concern.

            BTW – having seen your comments on here, we think you’re a cunt too.

            We look forward to getting your email and printing it out as we have run out of bog paper in the staff toilets..

            Rating: 5.0/5. From 11 votes.
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          2. You don’t know my wife you scumbag.

            You’ve just proved that you are a super cunt.

            Rating: 5.0/5. From 9 votes.
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      3. What abaht frrrrrrrrrree speech Fatty?

        Rating: 5.0/5. From 7 votes.
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  68. Jon is very scared of me and my piano fingers. I can do as i please as he is a cunty coward

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 11 votes.
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    1. It’s the tickling fingers of that Olive-aries, Lincoln.

      Rating: 5.0/5. From 7 votes.
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  69. Jon Gaunt is the sort of man to come onto a page calling him a cunt to make threats and generally act like a cunt.

    Ergo, Jon Gaunt is a cunt.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 13 votes.
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    1. Reported to the police


      Rating: 1.0/5. From 11 votes.
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      1. Don’t you mean the Pleece?

        Rating: 5.0/5. From 7 votes.
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        1. We shall see who is laughing after you are daelt with you vile twat.

          Rating: 1.9/5. From 9 votes.
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          1. Your entire carrrrrreer downfall has been a comedy all of it’s own you failure

            Rating: 5.0/5. From 6 votes.
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      2. Gotta love all this free speech eh jon?

        Rating: 5.0/5. From 5 votes.
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  70. Keep this up. The more attention he gets the less focus there is on me in the cunt rankings

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 9 votes.
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  71. If you’ve got kids, give ’em a kick, give ’em a smack, and hey hey hey, don’t forget to tell ’em you are a cunt!

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  72. Oh Jon, no wonder I get my sausage now from Aubrey Allen and Lincoln!

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  73. You are a vile cunt Gaunt after what you said about my daughter.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 15 votes.
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    1. I did not say anything about your daughter. You may want to retract your statement if you are accusing me of something I didn’t do.

      Rating: 1.0/5. From 13 votes.
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      1. Oh dear Jon. Think carefully. We’ve all seen the screenshot showing exactly what you said

        Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  74. Now then, now then, now then. Owzabout that, young Jonny from Coventry has fixed it for me to have a little break from Satan sticking his pitchfork in my ringer because as it ‘appens he’s ranked as a bigger cunt than me, goodness gracious, that is quite some achievement young Jonny.

    Thanks for voting Guys and Gals.

    Rating: 4.9/5. From 15 votes.
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  75. Gaunt is a man with such a lack of self awareness he doesn’t realise by posting here he’s causing himself more problems than before.

    Again, the act of a supreme cunt.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 11 votes.
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  76. I died just to get rid of the little cunt

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 9 votes.
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  77. Даже я смущен, что он работает на меня. Он на самом деле пизда.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 8 votes.
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  78. We are seeing numbers of Double Cream in the wild slumping to a record low. Please reduce your consumption or we shall lose them forever. Think once, think twice. Think don’t swill double cream from the tub.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  79. Thank fuck he was only here a few days. An utter cunt of the first order. Made the other ‘housemates’ here seem like St.Paul’s choristers. No wonder his dad took to drrrrrink.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 9 votes.
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  80. How are you doing Jon. Ignore these idiots. I tried to call you the other day but your phone was off. You suggested we went on a lads night out in Bradford. Are you still up for it? I’ll be tooled up.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  81. A man so busy (he claims) either walking working or wanking and he’s in here doing his usual “police informed” schtick.

    What a cunt.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 11 votes.
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  82. What a scrounging cunt. He’s always on about getting donations. Don’t he realise I already gave my donation to Olive?

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  83. I have spoken to the police and I can assurw you that people will be getting visits. I will not take this libelous abuse any more. Remove this page and these posts at once.

    Rating: 1.1/5. From 17 votes.
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    1. Fuck off you fat Nazi

      Rating: 5.0/5. From 5 votes.
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      1. It’s Nat-zee.

        Rating: 5.0/5. From 7 votes.
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    2. How’s the Diamond White today Fatty?

      Rating: 5.0/5. From 5 votes.
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    3. Host, Gaunt has threatened to have loads of sites closed down over the years, all still going strong. His police threats are legendary and all in his head as are his legal team.

      Rating: 5.0/5. From 9 votes.
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    4. Jonnay Gauntay is a bigger cunt than me!

      He Heeeeeeeeee


      Rating: 5.0/5. From 6 votes.
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  84. This website has been reported to the police and I have emailed the host to have this vile abuse removed. I have also taken screenshiots and have lodged them with my solicitor. You have one chance to remove this content before I instruct my legal tea, to take action.

    Rating: 1.0/5. From 12 votes.
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    1. Yes your threat towards me has once again been recorded for any future contact by law enforcement officers. Have a good day!!

      Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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      1. Shut up you silly little boy. How is the HMRC investigation going? Give your brother my best regards. He did your ex wife a favour.


        Rating: 1.3/5. From 13 votes.
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        1. Thought you were working Fat Boy.

          Rating: 5.0/5. From 6 votes.
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        2. Do you want to know the truth!!? I actually walked out on my ex-wife and just fed you a BS story to stop you from constantly begging me for money yet you still believe it to this day!! Haha you see Jon you aren’t the only one who creates bullshit to get their own way!! Have a nice day you financially ruined cunt

          Rating: 4.7/5. From 12 votes.
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          1. Where’s he getting £3,000 a month from for his house in Warrrrrrwick?

            Housing benefit?

            Rating: 5.0/5. From 8 votes.
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        3. you realise if YOU start abusing people, the police will just laugh at you reporting this?

          Who are we kidding, you havent reported anything to the police, just more lies.

          Rating: 5.0/5. From 6 votes.
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      2. I’ve PDFed and screenshot Jon Gaunt’s posts in here if you need them in future Adam I will tweet them over to you.

        Rating: 5.0/5. From 6 votes.
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        1. Thank you mark, if you can email them to I will then make a formal complaint to Warwickshire Police

          Rating: 5.0/5. From 8 votes.
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    2. Legal tea? Is that Earl Gray or Brrrrrrrrrri’sh Brrrrrreakfast?

      Rating: 4.9/5. From 8 votes.
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    3. You threatened someone with violence earlier, you thick cunt.

      Thats actually illegal.

      Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  85. Whoop Whoop dats the sound of da pleece.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 7 votes.
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  86. I was surprised to see someone on here refer to Jon as homophobic because I know somebody who had gay sex with him in the late seventies. He can’t be homophobic.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 12 votes.
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    1. I hope people don’t think it was me loaf face? I do know who it was that he bummed though.

      Rating: 5.0/5. From 9 votes.
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      1. What’s in the drawer mike you drunk silly fool

        Rating: 1.4/5. From 9 votes.
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        1. Do you honestly think that’s really Pisspot?

          You’ve just rrrrrrrrrreally proved your Cuntism.

          Rating: 5.0/5. From 8 votes.
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          1. Jesus Wept!! You really think that’s Mike Porky Parry??? Braaaavo, You really are a Cunt Gaunt 😂😂😂

            Rating: 5.0/5. From 9 votes.
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    2. Be careful mike iv screenshot that post and will be forwarding it on to your bosses at talkradio, it’ll give them another excuse get shut of you like they did at talksport, for being a degenerate drunk

      Rating: 1.4/5. From 11 votes.
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      1. This can’t really be Gaunty? There is no way he would be replying to an imaginary Mike Parry!

        Rating: 5.0/5. From 7 votes.
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      2. Just a few thigs Gunt you stupid prick. 1) Mike’s on talksport not talkradio. 2) talksport did not get rid of him, pretty sure they got shot of YOU knobhead. 3) IT’S NOT MIKE PORKY PARRY YOU NUMBNUTS. Neither he nor Mike Graham give the tiniest shit about you you total non-entity. When your name is mentioned they laugh at you along with the rest of us

        Rating: 4.4/5. From 7 votes.
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  87. Can this fat cunt stop reporting nonsense like this to us, we are aware a lot of people think you are a massive cunt, Mr Gaunt.

    That is not illegal. You ARE a massive cunt, it is not against the law to express correct viewpoints.

    It is illegal to threaten to send the boys round unless you are the Pleece though. Our boys are coming round to pay you a visit now.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 11 votes.
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  88. Can anyone recommend the best wash cycle to remove jizz?

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  89. Gaunty, I would suggest you stop threatening my mates or I will spill the beans about what you were caught doing boxing night in the Wheatsheaf!

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 12 votes.
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    1. Do you really want to do that? Would you like me to spill the beans about what you got up to at Ascot all those years ago? Your wife would not be very happy


      Rating: 1.4/5. From 10 votes.
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    2. I just got Jills number. Do you really want me to send the text?

      Rating: 1.4/5. From 9 votes.
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      1. you really are the thickest cunt in the world. No one can be this stupid. It must be a joke.

        Rating: 5.0/5. From 7 votes.
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  90. I just stumbled on this page via Twitter. I used to be his landlord when he lived in Leamington Spa. He tried to take me to court when I refused to give him back his deposit when he moved out. The reason I refused was because they left my house in such a state I had to spend a fortune to be able to rent the house out again. The oven was black with grease, I had to replace it, the newly decorated walls were were full of greasy hand prints, the upstairs toilet was cracked and leaking and they left lots of junk in the loft which I had to pay to be removed. The deposit did not cover my costs.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 18 votes.
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    1. Liar, please remove this comment at once, I moved out because you pushed the rent up and wouldn’t fix things that went wrong, in a better house now anyway, retract your allegations Clive


      Rating: 1.4/5. From 11 votes.
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      1. I suppose leaving junk in the loft is better than leaving junk in a bra.

        Rating: 5.0/5. From 4 votes.
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  91. I ate Pork Scrrrrratchings and Double Crrrrrrream for six months, and now my pancreas has packed up!
    The cunt.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 9 votes.
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  92. Fuck me, I thought I was a cunt, but this cunt takes the schnitzel.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 15 votes.
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  93. Please tell this fat simpleton to stop whining.
    We don’t get involved in libel.
    It’s a civil matter, and not one we’re interested in.
    Please stop calling us, fatty.


    The Pleeeeeeeeece.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  94. Please can people stop abusing my family, you may not like me but my family is out of bounds, the things iv read today are vile beyond belief, ex colleagues joining in is the last straw, admin please delete these comments or you will face
    serious repercussions in the long run, leave my family out of this, mark budgeon or shall I call you Pete Thomas you really are being very silly, all your comments been handed to the police this evening and statment given


    Rating: 1.4/5. From 14 votes.
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    1. You are obsessed man. Get a job. I hear Warwick Tesco Local are after a cleaner.

      Rating: 5.0/5. From 7 votes.
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    2. What about my family who lost £1000 because of you!! I’m sure that others would defend me when I say that up until today I have always disagreed with bringing members of family into it but you started this Jon and my family had to unaccount £1000 because of you!! Pay me back and I will never mention your name again but you called out the wrong person when you called me an idiot for telling the truth. Anyway money please NOW

      Rating: 5.0/5. From 9 votes.
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  95. Please desist from being nasty to Jon. He is one of our most avid users and his dad was a top cropper.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 7 votes.
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  96. You know what lads. I’m sorry. I’ve been a massive cunt. I realise and accept that I’ve behaved terribly. I’ve bullied and threatened you all for years and what gets to me the most is that you know my threats mean nothing because I’ve cried wolf too many times. I’ve never been able to accept criticism so when I constantly read you all reminding me that all of my business ventures have been a disaster it hurts almost as much as when Keith Vaz humiliated me. My diet plan only has 200 members which barely covers the monthly outlay of it all and it was lies when I said I’d have to limit subscriber numbers due to high demand. You’ve already spotted from my photos that I’m putting weight back on and the walking videos are encouraging ridicule rather than motivating people to exercise. I know I’m my own worst enemy and that my attitude and ego are what’s lost me what was once a promising a media career. So please my friends forgive me. I beg you. I will return the Route 66 donations, stop begging on podcasts and issue Adam his invoice immediately. I’ll stop name calling, stop threatening you with legal or police action and most importantly I’ll grow up and stop acting like a playground bully. So raise a pint of double cream with me and let’s toast to new beginnings as I stop being a cunt xxx

    Rating: 4.8/5. From 18 votes.
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    1. Dear Jon.

      Please stop jizzulating in me.


      Rating: 4.5/5. From 10 votes.
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    2. Too late for a invoice I want my fucking money back in full!!

      Rating: 5.0/5. From 6 votes.
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  97. Jon,

    I’m dead and even I think you’re a cunt. Good luck reporting me to the Pleese x

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 14 votes.
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  98. Holy fuck! I thought I was a cunt but I’ve got nothing on this specimen

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  99. Effing hell. I thought I was a cunt but this fella……

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  100. Blimey, I’d rather dump out of Europe immediately with no deal than hear you on the airwaves again.

    I’ve got more listeners in my studio than you have podcast downloads.

    Give it up fatty, I rule the 10-1 slot now.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 13 votes.
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    1. You are a no mark O’brien. You are not fit to wipe the spittle of my microphone.
      I have 3 Sony awards and you wish you had half my talent.
      I listened to your show and you simply copy my podcasts but with more project doom.
      Keep writing your own emails and text messages. You couldn’t get a call if you worked for the Samaritans and had that no mark what’s his name Iain Lee calling in everyday as he is another snowflake

      Rating: 1.7/5. From 12 votes.
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      1. If talent is rabble rousing for Tommy Rrrrrrrrrobinson….

        Rating: 5.0/5. From 5 votes.
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      2. Anyone had the Pleece around yet? No, me either. Whereas dull as fuck cunt Gaunt threatened Adam on here for everyone to see! Fucking numbnuts. Piss off and wank into a braaa you toxic tosspot.

        Rating: 5.0/5. From 8 votes.
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      3. If this really is Gunt you are thicker than the jizz in your Stepmum’s bra you fat fuck. To wit-would Messrs Beecroft, Graham, Parry, Brazil and even O’Brien waste their time on a washed-up old has-been like you you fat cunt? In your bra-filled dreams cunto

        Rating: 5.0/5. From 6 votes.
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  101. I can tie my laces

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  102. I’m the grrrrrrrreatest brrrrrrrrracaster in Brrrrrrrrri’un!

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 4 votes.
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    1. I’m Jon Gaunt and so is my mother

      Rating: 5.0/5. From 5 votes.
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    2. What do you think of supertramp?

      Rating: 5.0/5. From 5 votes.
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  103. My diabeeetissss has gone, through the simple act of eating crrrrrrream and Pork Scrrrrratchings, drinking rrrrred wine and being a fat lazy failure.
    I am simply the best and most successful fat man in Warwickshire. Fuck all you h8rz.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 7 votes.
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  104. Oh ar, old Gaunty makes me look like a respectable business man. Oh arrrr!

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 8 votes.
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    1. Me too

      Rating: 5.0/5. From 6 votes.
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  105. Thankfully I used to work nights so mostly avoided Gaunt’s antics at talkSPORT but there were many rumours about his lewd and inappropriate behaviour towards colleagues. Once during an ad break he apparently asked Ian Abrahams to take his bra off so that he could unload into it while the news and sport was on. His pigeon hole was strangely always full of deliveries from Contessa. Not sure why. Anyway, he’s undoubtedly a cunt and I applaud all your work in highlighting it

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  106. We’ve got all the evidence we need and we’re coming for you Jon. It won’t be long until you’re forced into making a full apology and retraction about the wonders and miracles that your diet plan offers

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  107. King 🤴 Cunt. Jon is a bitter twisted old man 👴 who has been sent to Coventry in acclaim for his cuntishness. Hated by every colleague he ever worked for he now spends his life forging on beef briskets and double cream while he sells his soul to the Russians. Known to mock mental health issues this man is the archetypal cunt.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 9 votes.
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  108. John joined our organisation to get help for his bra wanking endeavours but the members kicked him out for being a class A cunt.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 7 votes.
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  109. This man took away my title of King Cunt.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 7 votes.
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  110. I am a dietician who lives up the road from Jon. We sat down one day over a packet of pork scratchings and I told him he was a fat cunt. He agreed. I then told him he could lose that weight by eating more pork scratchings with a dollop of cream and lots of British Fry Ups. I was talking the piss but Jon believed me and now has his own diet which kills everyone who goes on it

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  111. I am the person that got this cunt sacked from talk sport called me a health nazi now wants sugar and Coca Cola banned cuntymaccuntface

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  112. If you think I’m toxic you should meet Jonathan C Gaunt. He claims the C stands for Charles but I suspect it’s actually cunt

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  113. Jon and I have lots in common, we are both fat bastards, we both harbour a desire to kick people out of the country and we both suffer delusions of grandeur.

    Where we differ is that I only achieved the self appointed title of “King of Scotland” whereas Jon has been voted by his peers as “King of the Cunts”

    Well done Jon, You beat me, you’re a winner! I will be ordering my country to send you a few containers full of bananas in celebration, just like I offered it to your country in the 1970’s and believe me, after Brexit you’re gonna need them.

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  114. He used to call me blind on talksport, repeatedly squeaking “Shami shami shami” in a stupid playground child voice, then came crawling over to me to head up his tribunal against his sacking. naturally when that failed like everything else he has a hand in, suntalk fucked him off in a matter of hours, and I thanked God that I was done with having to deal with the imbecile.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 12 votes.
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  115. Mr Gaunt, you recently made a bulk order with our sales department. Unfortunately your Bank of Moscow debit card declined and we have been unable to contact you to arrange a different method of payment. Since taking receipt of our product you have however engaged in a targeted campaign to discredit us & other sugar manufacturers by repeatedly stating our produce is more addictive than cocaine. We suggest you retract these comments like you did with your criticism of Weetabix (once you realised you were talking rubbish). Our global turnover is in the billions which puts your 2 grand income per month from your ridiculous diet in the shade and we are not afraid to use our financial power to sue your ass into the stone age. Now that your lawyer friend has distanced himself from your activities it might be difficult for you to challenge us. So pay up you fat crook and remember it wasn’t our product that made you obese, it was shovelling a load of shit down your throat for 60 years that did. You massive cunt

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  116. I could shout out of my bathroom window and achieve higher listener figures than Jon Gaunt. Despised and ridiculed in equal measure throughout the radio world. Came sniffing round LBC for a job earlier in the year and was laughed out of the building by a member of junior management who drew the short straw to see him. Never before has such a fall from grace been so amusing and all his own doing. Still, there’s always the Russians

    Rating: 4.9/5. From 16 votes.
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  117. I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry.

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  118. Moz. Fuck auto spellcheck.

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  119. He was a cunt on Countdown too, so much so we were going to rename the show Cuntdown.

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  120. I may be a dog, but I can safely say Gaunt is a cunt. My owner is blind, but even he is can see it.

    I once pissed up his leg when he was acting thr twat “when I need tips on using the toilet, I’ll ask!” He responded. So I shat on the wheel of his Jaguar.

    He thinks he’s friends with Sean, my owner, but if he had his way he’d shit on his car too.

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  121. I’d like to dedicate my recent radio award to Jon Gaunt; this is to show how times have moved on – cunts no longer get away with winning these prestigious awards.

    We all had a talk about past winners backstage, someone mentioned Gaunt and we all rolled about pissing ourselves with laughter… then someone mentioned he now runs a diet site and we could barely catch out breath.

    Thanks for the good times big boy (you’re still huge btw) .

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  122. Thanks for keeping us in business

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  123. I used to work at “footballers mansion” doing lots of odd jobs for Jon. It was my first job coming to England.

    Jon treat me bad and pay me bad as well. He shout when I not do more than I should. Jon would drinking beer all day and his wife would be helping local butcher prepare his meat.

    I not like to work for horrible man like him again. I bury 8 packs of fresh prawns under his bedroom floor when he I laid oak flooring for him, room smelt like a fish market until he got evicted.

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  124. Any chance we can have those 2 awards back you thieving cunt?

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  125. Jon helped me out a lot by drumming up support for me to murder thousands of innocent women and children in the Iraq War “bomb them back to the stone age” was his favourite war cry. He is an excellent armchair general.

    If I hadn’t lost the election, I’d have awarded him an MBE (Masturbating in Bras Expert) for his services. The man is a true Patriot.

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  126. We spunked a load of money up the wall on this cunt. Made out he could offer us professional PR advice but all it did was damage our reputation, see an officer end up in prison and leave us with a shit load of negative press. Gaunt’s involvement was a disaster as has been well publicised in the media and he was a car crash when grilled about it all by Keith Vaz in the select committee hearing. Kept getting his answers all mixed up and it was clear he was lying about it all. Still, he sold a few extra
    t-shirts out of it but I hear his brother hasn’t spoken to him since because the whole thing with Gaunt at the helm was a complete and utter wreck. The t-shirt and PR companies were both dissolved shortly after Keith Vaz ripped Gaunt a new bumhole. Steer clear of this crook

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  127. All this abuse is very unfair. Jon is actually a really great guy when you get to know him. We know him a little after he was one of the Beta testers for our new app ‘Stretch My Pic’. He seems to like it and we are particularly impressed with some of the..ahem…’weight loss’ pictures he’s achieved. Well done Jon!

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  128. All this criticism is harsh. Jon and I were lovers for a while and I know from first hand experience that he is a tender, caring man. Please give him a break. He’s just trying to make a living ripping people off and spending other people’s money to benefit himself. I’ll never forget the time he jizzed on my face in a motel room just off Route 66. He was very pent up and aggressive that day. He’d just recorded a video of himself threatening an autistic man with violence and when he couldn’t find a bra to unload into I offered my face and mouth instead. Hmm, happy days.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 6 votes.
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  129. I been running same shop many many years. Never had bad Customer like Jon before. He used to come to shop asking me for free stuff every day saying he would give me free mention on TalkSport. I told him I sell enough newspapers already!

    He used to drive to my shop even though he lived across road. He called me “illegal” instead of my Mr Patel.

    His daily beer and cider order kept me in business so when he moved I closed shop. But I rather close than serve that fat cunt again.

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  130. Hi Everyone,
    Just a note to say whenever I see Jon which is most nights he seems to be not as bigger cunt as he is on his podcast or Twitter account. When I pick up O**** he comes to the door in a food stained top (circa 1980) and waves his other half goodbye. Looking very dejected and sad.

    I provide the piano lessons by the way that’s all. When I drop O**** off which is usually about 1.30am I can see Jon sat in his underwear through the window. The other night O**** forgot her keys and we had to knock on the door, a silhouette of a rather fat man came to the door window, the door opened and to my astonishment JG was stood there with a pair of M&S Y Fronts on and hanging from them was a white rather grubby looking bra. He then went into a tirade about the time of night and when he needs piano lessons he’ll ask, also started squealing at me in a high pitched whine …. bloody foreigners coming over here stealing British pianists jobs. I said my goodbyes to O**** and quickly made my escape, as I drove home I could still smell the intoxicating odour of strong white cider in the car, JG had obviously been drinking heavily and judging by the state of the bra he’d been having some relaxing Gentleman’s time as well. I too have come to the conclusion that Jon is the Archbishop of Cuntery.

    All the best,

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 6 votes.
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  131. I’m surprised at a couple of things:

    1. Jon promised this website was going to be closed down, yet it appears to still be operating. Aren’t the police doing their job?

    2. Jon is alleged to be wearing M&S underwear, however Jon and the rest of his loyal followers are currently boycotting this company, as is obvious to any scabs who have visited one of their stores recently. When Jon says go #gauntysgang spring into action.

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  132. I have seen my family wiped out because of this cunt, now that he’s claimed Pork Scratchings are the new superfood nowhere is safe.

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  133. I thought Jon was OK when he was giving me a platform on his “Rrrrrradio show” but since I’ve been in prison he’s stolen my act. I’ve also put on a few pounds and could do with losing weight, but I can’t join his diet plan as I’m forbidden from eating Pork Scratchings. Devising a diet that excludes Jews and Muslims is a cunt’s trick and no mistake.

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  134. You forgot how he rages about snowflakes whilst reacting to every put down of or criticism of him or his views with explosive rage and even threats.

    He also bangs on about free speech whilst threating legal action to shut up anyone who disagrees with him

    He is a total hypocritical cunt.

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    1. Pleeeeeeece

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  135. This cunt is sucking Putin’s cock

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    1. How dare you? Plllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeece

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    2. Retrrrrrrrrract!

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  136. Jon Gaunt: Hello and welcome to my podcast…er…I mean rrrrrrrrrrrrrrradio show. Blah blah blah immigrants, Muslims, libtards and bloody Sadiq Khan blah blahb blah blah Tommy Robinson is great blah blah blah the feral the feckless and the long term useless blah blah blah as much as use as a chocolate firegaurd blah blah blah blah! Ok let’s take our first caller of about 5 who can be bothered to phone in. Hello caller what’s on your mind?

    Caller: You talk a load of rubbish Jon!


    Caller: You talking a load of shite Jon!

    Jon Gaunt: Right that’s it I shall not take this anymore. I have recorded this phone conversation and the pleeeeeeeeeeeeeece have been notified! The pleeeeeeeeeece!!!!!
    Caller hangs up

    Jon Gaunt: Ha ha ha he hung up….snowflake!!!

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  137. I do not want to give my real name but a while ago Jon Gaunt asked me to invest £10000 in his new online radio venture and promised me shares in his new company because he had some big sponsors interested. This was way before martin was involved. I gave him ten grand and he kept stalling me with the shares. I was stupid and naive but I trusted him. I had listened to him for years and thought he was a good guy. I should have asked about the company but it turned out that there way no company. I am now ten grand out of pocket and when I contact him asking for my money back he threatens me with legal action for lying. I was stupid and gave him cash. In hindsight he didnt want the taxman to know and planned to just pocket my money. I am only saying this because he is a lying bastard and conned me out of hard earned cash.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 9 votes.
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    1. Given the fact that dead people have been replying on here there is no way of knowing whether this comment above is true or not so these are general points that would apply

      IF you gave anyone £10,000 and can show that through your bank statement and you didn’t get what you were promised, then that could well be a matter for the police.

      The other alternative is to go to a small claims court which has a limit of £10,000 – it will cost you £410 to do this if you pay the court fee online.

      The burden of proof on you is far less than a legal court and is based on what is “likely” is it likely that you just gave someone £10,000 for absolutely nothing? I can’t see any small claims court thinking that is a likely scenario.

      They will have to go into small claims court and explain to them why they took money from you and gave you nothing in return and that you agreed to that, that will be extremely difficult for them to show because the mere fact that you are taking them to court is pretty much all the proof you need that you didn’t agree to giving them money for nothing.

      If they choose not to respond to you, and go to court then automatically a judgement is made in your favour.

      More here

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      1. Whoever posted this would probably be too scared to challenge Gaunt on this thinking that Gaunt will have more cash to spend on any legal case. I would suggest, if Anon has a paper trail, he should pursue this as the law would be on his side. Open and shut case.

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        1. In retrospect, if I ever had this wobbling lump of pork-DNA infused shite in my court, I’d throw the book at him. Agree?

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  138. Someone just sent me this link and apart from the joke posts most are pretty close. I worked on the Jon Gaunt show when I worked at a certain radio station. I used to answer the phones. I can confirm that the people in the gallery would troll him via text and anonymous emails. I sent quite a few myself and used to have the gallery in stitches listening to his on air reaction. The people that got stuck with the 10-1 slot fucking hated him after a while. Consonantly spitting his dummy out and bitching about callers. H&J could not come soon enough. To be fair Sean (producer / man with dog) was always the ultimate professional and quite often would tell us to pack it in and he used to ask why we were chuckling in the background. He knew that everyone hated Gaunt but to be fair to him he never said a bad word against him despite getting constantly bollocked by Gaunt, usually for using the dump button. Sean was ultimately responsible for the output so fair play to him.

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  139. Jon Gaunt once punched a homeless man in the face.

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  140. I signed up to Simpleasfat as I’d put on a bit of timber around my waist recently. After going through the initial keto flu, things got much better, and I really started to get the same benefits as Jon;

    Within two weeks my daughter moved counties to get away from me

    By week three my local binman sacked me from my own business

    Then by week four my wife had became obsessed with having private piano lessons, despite us not owning a piano, she spent an awfully long time just going through the motions with her equally as keen teacher in our bedroom

    So, don’t judge this diet before you try it – you too can be like John, just pay £9.99 to his PayPal;
    Word of caution though, don’t ask for a receipt otherwise he’ll call you all sorts of profanities and block all forms of communication.

    Overall I highly recommend it.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 8 votes.
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  141. Jon Gaunt is a man of his word, I’ve just lent him £3.5k I don’t need a receipt. He’s a man of his word. I know I’ll get it back, you see he’s a man of his word.

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  142. I can confirm Jon is a man of his word Mr McKenzie, I’m in partnership with him, 50/50 He gets the rights to the Diet and I take the photos. He’s a man of his word.

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  143. I lent the fat cunt the best part of £300k and I’ll never see it again. I warn anyone not to deal with this freeloading cockwomble. If they already have then tough shit, he owns fuck all, just rents everything. He’s a modern day Dick Turpin, only difference Dick had a good looking missus.

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 7 votes.
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  144. I had the unfortunate job of changing John’s tyres years ago, amazingly the Jaguar was only around 6 month’s old but it needed a full set of new tyres. I laughed and said “I wonder why…” – he didn’t like that (he didn’t have the bottle to say nowt but started a little sulk).

    I only found this after reading some crap he’s been posting on Twitter about Jeremy Corbyn, I knew he’d gone downhill but didn’t realise to what extent… 😂.

    Anyway, doubt I’ll see him again as my garage is pretty expensive, so we’re out of his price range now. Also, he didn’t like us refusing a freebie for a mention on radio.

    John, if you’re reading this we generally deal with high-end cars and wealthy clients, so, next time you’re passing, don’t bother stopping.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 11 votes.
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  145. I lost all my love for the media industry, people thought I’d gone mad, some people thought it was drugs, others thought I’d lost my voice etc etc.

    The real reason is this Gaunty cunt, I met him once at an awards ceremony and I vowed from that day I never want to come face to face with such vile, cretinous beings as that lump of turd ever again. Now he’s cap-in-hand and unemployable I might just make a comeback.

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  146. To the tune of Sloop John B:

    Gaunty had a dream,
    A racist radio stream.
    With Tommy Robinson always there on speed-dial.
    It all turned to cack.
    And Lisa likes black.
    Tink-er-lin’ Lincoln, is fucking your wife.

    Rating: 4.5/5. From 8 votes.
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  147. Jon Gaunt once asked me if I wanted to see some puppies. I actually wanted the bag of sweets he was holding.

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  148. None of you wankers are fit to lick the peanuts, shit and spittle from under my helmet. Fuck off

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  149. I think Jon Gaunt is a fat gay cunt!

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    1. Gay only for rubles

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    2. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeece

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  150. Did I ever mention that I was best mates with Simon Le Bon? Ironically I cannot get a Lob On these days. I was responsible for his success and his band Spandau Ballet. I gave them their first gig in the club that I used to run which went under when I was bankrupt.

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  151. I ma y hav gad a drink but i wilk rtake the fifing lot of you. cuntd

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    1. Not drunk enough to not be able to call the pleece?

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  152. I had the misfortune of meeting Jon Gaunt today at the House of Commons. I would just like to distance myself from the unhealthy eating habits he was promoting today.

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  153. He once touched me on the vagina.

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    1. Ah ken whit ye mean hen, he once went doon on me an’ it was heaven when he started rolling his RRRRR’s.

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  154. I’ve seen this bloke claiming online that he only drinks expensive red wine but let me tell you otherwise. He’s in our shop at least 4 times a week and his basket is always full with White Lightning, blue WKD, kiwi 20/20 and Special Brew. A light drinker he is not. Often smells of booze and has been known to get a bit gobby if we don’t offer him any discount on account of him apparently being a local celebrity. He asked my colleague Imran for credit a few weeks ago because he left his wallet at home and when Imran said no a massive, vile tirade was launched at him. This man is undoubtedly a cunt and I’ll let him know next time he pops in

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  155. Every sinke post on this pafe ghas been screenshotted and sent to Warwickshitre Police. Retract and remove this now or face the consquences.

    Rating: 4.7/5. From 11 votes.
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  156. Wow, und ich dachte, ich wäre eine Fotze

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  157. Can someone get this cunt to raise his prices again because his sale is going to outlast ours at this rate

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  158. I have tracked some of you trolls down. I know your names and where you live.

    Arthur Braincell
    Tavish McCunty
    Rob Medick
    Terry Akky

    Cease and desist posting you poison and lies or I shall call the pleece. Agree?

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 2 votes.
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  159. My wife is nit fat she is big boned. She mentioned something about being boned. I could nit catch it all because the piano was deafening me.

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  160. He’s making me seem like a human being!

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  161. Agree?

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  162. We got you motherfucker

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  163. I’ve left him. Enough was enough. Sending me out to work 7 days a week while he sat at home exciting hatred against the country he once claimed to love. It was his angry outbursts and unpredictability that first caused me to seek solace in the arms of another man and now he thinks he’s become a diet expert he’s just too difficult to live with. I can’t take anymore.

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    1. I’d leave him too but daddy has principles.

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  164. Blimey what a cunt. This twat pissed up a top job on talksport, spends his time going on the internet to see if people slag him off and then says he’s going to report them to the police (er, it’s civil not criminal) sets up an internet talksite that only 129 listen to (and 122 of those are the piss takers on Talkforum) and then people call me a fuckwit.

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  165. I have called the pleece about this website. They have agreed to shut it down. I have big news which I can nit talk about right now but my nit a diet is going to make me a hundredaire.

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  166. Ugly cunt.

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  167. Jon Gaunt is a massive, supernova-sized cunt. Part troll, part bigot, a hideous shit-stained arsewipe of a man with no redeeming qualities whatsover. Truly the king of the cunts.

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    1. Have you borrowed my bra Rosie? It’s all sticky.

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  168. I know who is behind this defamation and I will be handing my dossier in to the Warwickshire Constabulary this Friday unless you delete this page from the internet with immediate effect. You will not get away with this, I know who you are and so will the boys in blue soon!

    On an unrelated note, if you are trying to lose a few stone, the Simpleasfat 90-Day Plan is for you. It comes with breakfast, lunch and dinner meal plans and shopping lists and it only costs ten pounds a month. So if you are an ugly fat bastard like me and want to drink a pint of cream for breakfast and enjoy a bowlful of pork scratchings for lunch before having a heart attack at teatime, sign up today.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 13 votes.
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  169. Lincoln is tickling my ovaries nowadays.

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  170. As well as being a bigot, Jon Gaunt also has a “big gut”, lol

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  171. You are right, my dad is a cunt.

    And for some reason every time I’m back home in Warwick, my bra is sticky. Don’t know why.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 5 votes.
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  172. I made a big mistake bumping into Gaunty in the street that day. I’m sorry for inflicting the “Brrrrri’sh” public with him.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 5 votes.
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  173. I signed up to this cunts diet and then Jon Gaunt started messaging me naked photos of his wife. I must admit, I am not fussy and spunked all over my phone. I am now taking Jon Gaunt to smalls claims court for fucking up my phone. Nice gash though, it’s like a £1 coin slot but for a discus.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  174. I am acting on behalf of Jon Gaunt. I am his lawyer and my law firm has tracked down every single Pete that has commented on this foul website. You can avoid legal action if you pay anything over a fiver to Jon Gaunt. Also, his diet is real. My late wife lost 4 stone on the just before she died.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 9 votes.
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  175. Not a day goes by that Jon doesn’t fuck me into an epileptic fit. My anus looks like a saggy old sock!

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 9 votes.
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  176. You foul trrrrrrrrrrrrolls. I’ll get you Pete.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 5 votes.
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  177. This cunt used to blag freebies off me in return for sleeping with his wife. The problem is that she looks like a deformed Miss Piggy on crack. Now I just fuck his dar-tahs in return for free belly pork.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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    1. Jon said he bought all his meat, groceries and frosty jack from us, the lying cunt!

      Rating: 5.0/5. From 5 votes.
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    2. Don’t worry he only gets the stuff I’ve chewed already.

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  178. Leave us alone Gaunt, we are too busy.

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 9 votes.
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  179. Fuck me, I’m glad I died.

    Rating: 4.1/5. From 9 votes.
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  180. I’ve given up on the fat cunt. A lost case.

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 9 votes.
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  181. I went back to my nest this afternoon to find all my eggs covered in a sticky white substance. Not sure what it is, but I saw that Jon Gaunt cunt waddling off up the towpath with a grin on his face.

    Rating: 4.7/5. From 12 votes.
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    1. You were asking for it you sexy white bastard. Agree?

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  182. He’s even too toxic for me these days!

    Buy tangy tangerine.

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 10 votes.
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  183. Fuck off and get a job you fat, toxic, feckless, feral, waddling cunt and leave our ducks and swans alone. And why are you still so fucking fat as you’ve been on your ‘diet’ for two fucking years? Please donate to us, anything from a fiver upwards (a tenner would be better).

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 10 votes.
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    1. He’ll sue for access to the ducks and swans.
      He used to know a top lawyer.

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  184. Gaunty you Wanker!

    Rating: 4.4/5. From 7 votes.
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  185. I had to use the studio after him already, oy vey what a mess he made!

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 10 votes.
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    1. I agree. Messy cunt he was. Lots of wallpaper paste left around. Well we thought it was wallpaper paste.

      Rating: 4.4/5. From 7 votes.
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  186. Are our NDA’s still in force Jon?

    Rating: 4.5/5. From 8 votes.
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  187. I’m not saying Olive is ugly, but when she walks into Nat West they turn off the CCTV.

    Rating: 4.4/5. From 7 votes.
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  188. I’ll have you Pete.

    Rating: 4.3/5. From 6 votes.
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  189. This cunt begged for £20 compensation because his rather old suitcase was damaged. This was down to user error when he stuffed it with too many bras.

    Rating: 4.2/5. From 5 votes.
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  190. My son is an absolute weapons-grade cunt of the highest order. This blubber-faced wanker really is a Five Star turbo cunt. Currently hawking some flabby butter diet to his mouth-breathing followers whom when they’re not organising their next sponsored knuckle-drag in support of Tommeh are giving this lardy fuck £10 a month for the privilege.

    Absolute whopper of a cunt my son.

    Rating: 4.5/5. From 8 votes.
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  191. Jonathan was a proper little cunt when he was a young boy. It was him that drove me to drink. That’s why I put him in a home. I have cursed him which is why all his businesses have failed. He was costing us a fortune in bras.

    Rating: 4.1/5. From 9 votes.
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  192. Ever since Grunt put his pooch on a LCHF diet, the poor little cunt can’t chase me around his rented garden. Still, he can move quicker than that tub of human shite, Jonny-2-squats.

    Rating: 4.2/5. From 5 votes.
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  193. He once touched me in my special area.

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 9 votes.
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  194. This cunt paid way too much for the 2 villas we flogged him back in the days when he used to turn left on the plane. He thought he was getting a discount in rrrrrrrrrrrrreturn for his wife giving me a blowjob. Fucking suckers. Well, her. She was so ugly I had to close my eyes. I came on her tits though so it wasn’t all bad. Jon even came in with a bog roll to wipe up the mess.

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 9 votes.
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  195. This cunt writes propaganda for our country and we just pay him with Luncheon Vouchers

    Rating: 4.5/5. From 8 votes.
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  196. I’ve spent the last years watching the this cunt rise amongst cunts.
    I could just nit match this tour de force’s ascendency.
    Time for me to check out.

    Rating: 4.5/5. From 8 votes.
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  197. I was sat in the doorway of the local Bargain Booze and asked this cunt if he’d give me twenny quid as was on the bones of my arse. He just said he’d give me a bunch of fives, then waddled off without giving me anything. The utter cunt.

    Oh, and he stank of lard too.

    Rating: 4.4/5. From 7 votes.
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  198. Ashamed of him. And he’s nit even my dad.

    Rating: 4.5/5. From 8 votes.
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  199. Oooh, this Jon Gaunt bloke really is a churlish nincompoop!

    Rating: 4.5/5. From 8 votes.
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    1. Rrrrretract or face the consequences you vile twat.

      Can you spare me a fiver? A tenner would be better.

      Agree? Retweet.

      Rating: 4.2/5. From 5 votes.
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  200. Retract you vile trrrrrolls or the pleece will be involved

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  201. We were really regretting our decision to move into hearing aids, it was bad enough having to give this cunt an eye test now that he’s mutton as well we have had to buy gas masks for our staff so they don’t have to put up with the smell from this brown toothed cunt when we look in his filthy lugholes. The only good thing was that we can confirm that when looking into one lughole you can see what’s on the other side of his head as there is no brain getting in the way.

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 10 votes.
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    1. My husband Jon Gaunt is so fat, when he slipped on a block of butter and fell down the stairs, I thought EastEnders was ending.

      Rating: 4.0/5. From 4 votes.
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  202. This cunt came into the hospital canteen I work in, and started photgraphing all the food. He then asked if we sold Creme Eggs and pork scratchings. When I said no he said something about “Big Farmer”, Lincoln and how he used to turn left on planes before he was sacked for being an utter moron.

    Rating: 4.4/5. From 7 votes.
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    1. Rrrrrrrrrretract or face the consequences.

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  203. He hates the fact that you all know about his wife’s affair.

    Rating: 4.2/5. From 5 votes.
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  204. Fat wobbling cunt.

    Keep away from our shed.


    Rating: 4.5/5. From 8 votes.
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  205. silly cunt

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  206. *innocent face*

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  207. There I was, minding my own business when a fat man turns up with a wife so ugly I wanted to be incinerated all over again.

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 9 votes.
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    1. Get this fat fraudulent fuck out of our country

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      1. I’m here to write my next book on the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway.

        However folks this doesn’t come free, hey hey hey!!
        Please donate anything from £50 (£100 is better) to and I promise to put your name in my book and mention you on my Twitter feed.

        Whilst you’re here, if you feel like your daily two squats aren’t getting that weight off you, then wee have some great curry recipes on Simple Ass Hat. I’m nit a fan of brown people, but their food is why I’m here in India. It also means Olive will miss her weekly piano lessons.



        Rating: 4.6/5. From 10 votes.
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  208. I’ve been dead since 1948 but even I know that Jongle is a Cunt.

    Rating: 4.3/5. From 6 votes.
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  209. Wiped clean in case the pleeeeeece look too closely at the numerous criminal statements contained within. The net is closing, Dear Jongle.

    Rating: 4.5/5. From 8 votes.
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  210. The other week, this Jon Gaunt bloke came into our shop to buy a bike. He was such a hefty size that we had to specially build a frame out of scaffolding poles, as they were the only thing that would support his incredible weight. He really was a hilarious nutter, he kept going on about his Simple As Fat diet plan. He said he would let all of us join it for free, if we knocked a couple of hundred quid off the bike. Of course, we said we’d love to, but we couldn’t offer any discounts unfortunately. We promised to check it out later though, but after he’d wobblingly ridden off up the street, we just laughed at him, and all agreed he was a complete tosser.

    Rating: 4.5/5. From 8 votes.
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  211. Gaunt you cunt. Our boys paid you a little visit yesterday and some black guy with a piano key tie told us you’d gone to find yourself in India. Well, we’ll be finding you, Gaunt. Have no fear. You can run but you can’t hide.


    Rating: 4.2/5. From 5 votes.
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  212. Poor old Jon, no wonder he’s ageing so rapidly – the penny dropped as to
    why one of the two gargoyles tans easier than the other.

    Rating: 4.3/5. From 6 votes.
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  213. Has gaunt succeeded in getting the talkforum site taken down then?

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    1. He has nit done so. He can’t take down his own body mass despite his miracle #nitadiet, so I doubt he can take down a website with ppl commenting on his failure.

      He used all his Indian rupees on some cheap fizzy wine and a round of drinks for some locals clearing shit off the local beach. Nothing left to get Indian hackerrrrrrz to remove his greatest critique.

      Rating: 4.5/5. From 8 votes.
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      1. it’s nit a diet you foul trrrrrrrrrrroll, it’s a way of life, thank you verrrrrrrry verrrrrrry much indeed.

        Rating: 4.0/5. From 4 votes.
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  214. Screbbshotted

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  215. I’m sick of this cunt coming into my shop and bringing in the bedding after Olives piano lessons. The washing machine is so full of Lincoln’s DNA that I had to register it as a sperm storage device.
    Looking at the sheets this cuckold brings in makes me think the marital bedroom must look like a Plasterer’s radio whenever he tickles her ovaries.
    Having cunt John crying to me if how he has to sit and listen to her screams of passion is too much.
    He has even admitted he has to run away to India to try to give her time to recover as she currently looks like a badly packed kebab after a few months of Lincoln pounding her senseless.
    PS I suspect one of his kids is not his as she is too good looking to be from that cunts genetics, the other one is proper minger and looks like a thinner version of him in a dress (even with the beard) so is defo his kid (poor cow)

    Rating: 4.4/5. From 7 votes.
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    1. Do you mean me?

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  216. Lincoln’s been good to me, he doesn’t lay over me like an obese hippo and going on about moooozlims every thrust.

    Rating: 4.3/5. From 6 votes.
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  217. I always thought he was a cunt when I acted against him.

    Rating: 4.3/5. From 6 votes.
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  218. Now then now then as it ‘appens, goodness gracious, I see young Jonny here, is still beating Jimmy, the gaffer, who is being prodded by a pitchfork in the everlasting fires of hell, dearie lord, in the cunt stakes, goodness gracious, goodness gracious. Me, Jimmy, the gaffer, the huge paedophile and sex offender being beaten by a two bob radio presenter called Jonny. Now then, now then, dearie lord, dearie lord!

    Rating: 4.3/5. From 6 votes.
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  219. Mr Jon kept on asking me for fivers for podcast, I told mr Jon five pounds keeps me my wife and my 7 children alive for 10 years, but he said that free speech was more important and I had to give Mr Jon five pounds a year to be able to do that. I said no and he asked if he could borrow my wife’s bra for something. Not sure what. Oh dear dear dear.

    Rating: 4.3/5. From 6 votes.
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  220. Leave my daddy alone
    He’s got principles

    Rating: 4.4/5. From 7 votes.
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  221. I was married to this cunt for a year. My spirit is always with him and I gave him erectile dysfunction a couple of years ago and I cursed his recent holiday. His little knob looks like an outie bellybutton. Thank you verrrrrrrrry verrrrrrrrrrry much indeeeeeeed.

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 10 votes.
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  222. Little fatty cunt made whole country smell like the shit. Glad he bugger off back to where he came from. Bastard yaar.

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 10 votes.
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  223. This fat cunt made such a mess of his seat flying back to the UK that it has since been cordoned off until a Bio-Hazard team can scrape all the lardy sweat off his seat. The seat belt and extension belt he needed have both been incinerated and ashes buried in a nuclear waste facility. Also, because he’s so fat, we had to land in Turkey to refuel.

    Rating: 4.7/5. From 14 votes.
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  224. Bastard yaar fat cunt got into my Tuktuk and all tyres went bang. He refuse to pay and told me to go back home to where I come from. I told him same. He smell like sweaty bottom.

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 11 votes.
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  225. He verrrry verrry smelly and small cock. He pay me in crunchy pork snack.

    Rating: 4.7/5. From 12 votes.
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  226. He visit my food stall and wanted one of everything. I say “would you like bag?”. He say back, “No thank you, I have one here” and point to wife. Not werry nice man.

    Rating: 4.7/5. From 13 votes.
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  227. I ask the fat cunt for some loose change as he waddled past me. He say no fuck off and took my jar of coins.

    Rating: 4.7/5. From 12 votes.
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  228. Fat man came into my shop and I though he want tea. Instead he wank into several bras and threw homeless mans coins at me.

    Rating: 4.5/5. From 11 votes.
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  229. We have several complaint about fat man. We deport him soon, verrrrry soon. Fat man tell food stall owner that Samosa contain 129g of sugar and he should have stall shut down. We tear up his passport at airport and ban him from India.

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 10 votes.
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  230. We’re sick of this cunt contacting us all the time because he was overcharged for a bottle of alcohol or a Pav Bhaji. We have since banned him from the Embassy and blocked his phone number. The sooner the cunt goes home the better.

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 11 votes.
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  231. We’ve been trying to deliver a pallet of bras to this fat cunt for nearly 2 weeks but he doesn’t answer the door.

    Rating: 4.7/5. From 12 votes.
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  232. I sprayed my raita all over Olive’s chapati. Thank you verrrrrry verrrrrry much indeed!

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 9 votes.
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    1. I jumped down the stairs one Christmas Eve in an attempt to end it all because I could no longer take my useless bastard husband Roger “Zambo” Wall spending his retirement running a website for anti-Gaunt people and Brexit cunts. He can buy me a new shitty little car every other September if he wants, but I need more than that to satisfy me. Anyone got the piano teacher’s number?

      Rating: 4.0/5. From 4 votes.
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  233. Smelly man demanded pork meal in my Muslim restaurant. When I told him we not server pork he threatened to call the pleece.

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 9 votes.
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  234. A big thank you to Jon Gaunt for traveling to India. We hope you enjoyed your stay. You actually grew our economy by 12.9% just from buying alcohol. Thank you werrry werrrry much indeed.

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 10 votes.
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  235. I am screebshotting all your vile posts and will be reporting this webiste to the police when I get back the UJ.

    Rating: 3.7/5. From 9 votes.
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    1. Hello Mr Jon thank you for leaving us your collection of bras. Can I ask why are they so sticky?

      Rating: 4.4/5. From 7 votes.
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  236. Get this foul smelling overweight bastard out of my country

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 10 votes.
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  237. I’m so glad I died reading that. He really turned out to be a cunt didn’t he?

    Rating: 4.4/5. From 7 votes.
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  238. Please can we all step back from this hostility please.
    Calling people CU*T’s is too much.
    I know you don’t like me (I’m not sure why) but this personal abuse is too much and bringing my beautiful wife and beautiful daughters into this are getting very hostile and uncalled for.

    It’s hard enough having my wife getting her back door kicked in by her piano teacher every night and seeing my ugly daughter getting her dose of dark meat from the sweet seller
    As a massive racist do you know how difficult this is for me?
    If nit please send anything from a fiver upwards. Please as the piano teacher semen stained sheets don’t clean themselves

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 10 votes.
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  239. Hi All.

    I’m one of the admin team at Talkforum (the most important one) and I am respectfully asking that we cut out all of the flaming and goading and inflaming. And anything a bit goady. Or flamey. Thanks all.

    Come on Waterlooville as well while I’m here!!!


    Rating: 5.0/5. From 6 votes.
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    1. We have been informed of what’s being said here.

      We agree, Jon is a cunt.

      Rating: 4.5/5. From 8 votes.
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  240. I never used to drink until we had Jonathan Charles.

    Then I may as well have lived in a fish tank full of vodka.

    The kid was a cunt then and a cunt now.

    Rating: 4.2/5. From 5 votes.
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  241. The eldest dorta has thighs like oil barrels but my God I’d like to be squeezed by them.

    Rating: 4.4/5. From 7 votes.
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  242. This site is a fucking disgrace. Jon is a total ledgend becase he tells it like is is. I agree wi t everything Jon says because he is the king of free speach. And he defi nitly dident tell me to post this because I know my own mind and have free will.

    Rating: 1.6/5. From 7 votes.
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  243. Jon is OK by me because he’s a fine, heterosexual, Protestant, white, Muslim-hating, transsexual-fearing, unemployable social inadequate just like me.

    Fuck the Pope.

    Fuck the BBC.

    Rating: 4.4/5. From 7 votes.
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  244. I’m Jon Gaunt’s psychiatric counsellor his wife sends him (several hours away) to. I’ve tried so hard to cure him of his narcissism, his Walter Mitty complex, sense of social inferiority and acute embarrassment at the state of his family life. I may have a PhD, but there’s only so much I can do.

    Rating: 4.4/5. From 7 votes.
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  245. Gaunt is our number one go to person for testing the material in bras. It’s his top secret business he goes on about.

    Jed Maxwell
    British Bra Company

    Rating: 4.2/5. From 5 votes.
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    1. I’m just a fan, your biggest fan

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  246. Why do they call his wife after me? My Arfur was far more sexier than Jon.

    Rating: 4.5/5. From 8 votes.
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  247. Hi Jon,

    I have lots of interesting IP addresses from the Talkforum troll forum. Lets talk 🙂


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  248. My husband Roger “Zambo” Wall is so old his prostate is haunted.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 4 votes.
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    1. Hardly haunted, I had it checked last month by Arnold my hilarious imaginary armadillo.

      Of course, the results are imaginary too so I could be fucked. Inflaming! Goading! Inflagoading! I am a bit obsessed. RED CARD TO THAT POSTER!

      Rating: 5.0/5. From 3 votes.
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  249. I once had the misfortune to sit next to Jon on a transatlantic flight to the USA, when he was heading there to write his imaginary book, “100 Americans, 100 days of the Trumpster” (you know the one, the scam he used to fleece his listeners out of hundreds of pounds so he could go on a jolly to Route 66, before wiping all trace of its existence from his website). Anyway, the greedy pig managed to pack away four ready meals, three big bags of crisps, and down nine miniature bottles of red wine over the course of the flight. It really was a virtuoso display of gluttony, and made me feel quite ill to witness, especially the way he kept licking his fingers when he was eating the crisps. The icing on the cake was when I needed to get out of my seat to use the toilet, and he had to stow his table tray and stop eating for a few seconds so I could pass. He made a big song and dance about the inconvenience of it all, tutting and shaking his head. But when he did try and rise from his chair, his enormous, fat, lardy backside had become completely wedged between the arm rests, and he had to have me reach up press the “call attendant” button so they could help free him from his predicament. It took two air stewards pulling with all their strength on his arms to finally dislodge him, and the ignorant bastard didn’t even so much as utter a thank you to them. A few minutes later, when I was in the toilet, I could hear the air stewards talking in their quarters, calling him a massive cunt. Usually I don’t approve of “the C word” but in this case, I had to make an exception, as he really is a very colossal one.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 8 votes.
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  250. I see that fat cunt has finally removed our logo from his scam website

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  251. So, alot of people ask me why I’m still with him. Yes, he can’t get it up any more and yes he’s a fat lazy racist penniless cunt who makes me go out to work and yes he’s thick as pig shit and yes he stinks but on the other hand, he does look after the dog whilst I’m out getting porked by some quality Lincoln sausage.

    The dog loves a trundle round the canal. Which is handy. It’s amazing how many naughty, dirty things can be achieved in 10,000 steps.

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  252. Mr Gawntee he nice!

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  253. Huh huh huh Dave. Screbbshotted!

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  254. Please stop slagging off my daddy.
    He’s got principles.
    And he’ll go to the pleece if you dont stop.

    Rating: 4.2/5. From 6 votes.
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  255. He’s a cunt.

    Uziz Talksport. Hmmmm.

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  256. In all my years of Therapy I’ve never come across such a damaged cunt. I’ve told the obese hate goblin not to bother coming on Tuesdays anymore. I’ve actually had to consult my own therapist due to his toxic nature infesting me. By the way you fat cunt, when you gonna pay my invoices?

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    1. he’s just spent it all on a big holiday for him and Olive to Goa.

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  257. I’ve decided he’s a cunt and I’ve been on strike ten years.

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  258. Another day, another call from Gaunt. He demanded we arrest a group of carol singers who’d knocked on his rented front door. They struck up the first few bars of “The First Nöel” and he claimed they were “vile trolls”, and were putting his family in “real danger”. Like when someone waved a bra around 500 yards from his house. We told him, as usual, to fuck off.

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  259. NEW BOOK NOW AVAILABLE: The eagerly awaited sequel to “UNDAUNTED”:


    Picking up from Jonathan’s sacking from TalkSPORT, this exciting new mem-bra covers his pitiful existence in his wilderness years.

    Read for the FIRST time:

    * How he discovered the cures for blindness, impotence and obesity.

    * His consumer advice tips – YOU can get free holidays, airport parking and seats on trains simply by following Gaunty’s advice.

    * The inside scoop on his beef with Little Iain Lee. Read how Gaunty is NIT a troll, NIT a bully and definitely NIT in a failed, sham marriage.

    * Read how Gaunty’s businesses have never failed because of his own toxicity, lack of business sense or rank stupidity.

    With a foreword written by Cambodia-dwelling NIT-A-NONCE Tony Pie Crust, and proof-read by a Beautiful Dortah, this book is destined to be a modern classic. Agree?

    “NOELS, TROLLS AND CAREER OWN GOALS” costs anything upwards of a fiver and is available for Christmas (NIT WINTERVAL)*

    *Christmas, as yet unspecified, but nit 2019.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 4 votes.
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  260. When you go black you don’t go back, that’s true for Olive.

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  261. Can I point out, as a neighbour of the curious Gaunt clan in central Warwick, that the self proclaimed “diet expert” is nothing of the sort and he remains a morbidly obese eyesore and loudmouth vulgar oik that my town would be better off without. Actually, I’d say since they moved in he’s put on a considerable amount of timber.

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  262. I cannot take any more. His big fat smelly arse is too much to take and my pretty red frame is starting to buckle. My tyres have been changed 3 times and my brake levers are all greasy and covered in bacon fat.

    The sooner he throws me in the canal the better. Fat cunt.

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    1. Vile twat! You know this is nit true. I expect a full rrrrrrretraction or I’ll be calling Martin to instigate legal action.

      Oh, wait!!

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    2. Does anyone know a good physiotherapist? After the latest batch of “piano lessons” Olive can no longer walk properly. When she left mine the other day she staggered out the door like John Wayne.

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  263. Mr Gaunty left many soil bras in Goa, how do I get them back to him?

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  264. please leave me alone or I will go to the pleece. Again. Foul trolls.

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  265. If anyone wants a copy, it will be out well before Christmas. To get it in time, order it three weeks last Tuesday. Agree?

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  266. A racist homophobe who has little to say, why give him the time of day?

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  267. I goaded my wife Sue up the arse last night and I didn’t even feel the sides! Her sphincter was quite inflamed afterwards though.

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  268. We’ve had numerous complaints about our dietary guidelines, all in favour of Jon’s LCHF business. We’d like to point out that the average weight of someone following our guidelines is far slimmer than Jon, and that’s after he’s been on double cream and bacon for two years.

    I’m behalf of the NHS: Jon Gaunt is a cunt.

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  269. I’ll be the reason Gaunt can’t look at his own grandkids, tee hee hee.

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  270. Received manuscript from Gaunty – My Battle Against the Trolls. Sadly the pages were all sticky and stank of love piss. Had to contact local pest control to destroy it. Did say on it proof read by one of the lovely daughters who was more intelligent than everyone else in the world.

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    1. Sorry should have said he’s a grade A cunt as well. He wanted the manuscript directed towards the Booker Prize people.

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  271. Just reading the story in the papers about Jon Gaunt further torpedoing his own career by tormenting Iain Lee with threats of releasing personal information.

    That’s two people in that marriage fucked by a blackmail.

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  272. Can someone evict Gaunty from our lovely town?

    He’s a fat cunt.

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  273. I hear you are a health nazi now Jon

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  274. My eldest is such a slag her fanny lips drag on the floor when she walks.

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  275. I changed my mind. I don’t want this fat racist cunt on my podcast.

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  276. We’ve banned this racist cunt from our shop because he was tweeting about us. Yes, we’ve been getting more customers but most of them ask if our meat is “that halal shit”. We would never sell halal meat. We prefer to dispatch our livestock by playing them the Jon Gaunt podcast. Have you ever seen a cow commit suicide? Some people say that halal is more humane than listening to Jongle. For us, it’s cheap but our staff do have to wear ear defenders for their own safety. Agree? Retweet.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 14 votes.
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  277. Ebony and ivory
    Shag together in perfect harmony
    69 on my piano keyboard
    Oh Gaunt, why don’t we?

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 8 votes.
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  278. We’ve had to increase our budget for maintenance of our canal paths as this fat cunt is damaging them as he walks to the off-licence every day. Everytime he walks down the canal path it does as much damage as a double decker bus driving over it. We’re considering banning him or charging him a toll fee. Agree?

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 7 votes.
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  279. Oh my ovaries take so much pounding these days from black meat.

    A woman has needs !

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  280. I keep on seeing Gaunty being called a cunt.

    As supreme leader of the Cunt League, we don’t want his sort in our organisation, he gives us a bad name!

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  281. I would just like to distance myself from this cunt and his dangerous advice. I am NIT part of his team and never was. His idea of a low carb, high fat diet is a bastardised version. A true keto diet does NIT allow you to eat 9 rashers of bacon and 4 slices of black pudding and 2 eggs. He bitches about processed foods but yet doesn’t seem to realise that bacon is highly processed. Fucking stupid cunt.

    Dr. Michael Mosley.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 15 votes.
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    1. Retract your comment and accusations immedialty Michael. I promoted you on twitter in good faith and now you are coming out with this rubbish? I would be very careful what you say.

      Rating: 3.0/5. From 15 votes.
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      1. A woman has needs Jon. I need black meat inside me as your cock is so flaccid due to being a fat bastard.

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  282. I’m Debbie. You may have seen my before and after photos on Simpleasfat. John offered me 6 extra months membership for free if I could email him an old photo from years ago. He is now claiming that I lost all that weight within a year. Those photos are almost 7 years apart. In hindsight I am not happy and shall be cancelling my memebership and asking him to remove my photos.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 14 votes.
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  283. Soon after Keith died I became addicted to sugar puffs and cocaine. Within a year I was 12 stone and starting fights outside KFC. I was so depressed. Thankfully I found the simplefattwat nit a diet and now instead of singing “I wish I could die” and am singing “I wish I could fly” again. Only another 3 stone to go and I should be able to fly. Nobody has changed my nappy since Keith died and because I have wings I cannot take it off. At least he’s not molesting me anymore and making me do that thing with my beak.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 9 votes.
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  284. You are breaking the law by impersonating me and posting vile messages about my family. If these comments are nit removed in 24 hours I WILL go to the Police.

    My lawyers are screbshotted every comment. Remove them immediately.

    – Jon Gaunt

    Rating: 4.5/5. From 13 votes.
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    1. Can you afford lawyers these days Gaunty?

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  285. He was an awful fuck with a very small knob. Cunt.

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  286. Toxic cunt

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  287. The thing is Jon Gaunt’s cock hasn’t been near a cunt in decades.

    How irrrrrrrrrrronic!

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  288. He once touched me on the winkle.

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    1. #metoo

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  289. I have called the pleece about this website.

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  290. I’m a bad man and would fuck anything of woman-born, but even I draw the line at Lisa Gaunt.

    Lincoln’s a brave man.

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  291. I love Jon and his podcasts. I pop them on when I’m moderating the troll forum. It helps me be impartial and black and white as most things are. If you’re ever near Waterlooville pop in and give Arnold a stroke (unless I’m already having one which isn’t far off, huge legs, it’s a sign)

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  292. My vagina smells like an onion bhaji.

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  293. I’ve been summoned all the way from China to put the pox on an ugly woman’s old dad to get a toxic alcoholic failure an excuse for not attending another far right event.

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    1. Racist comment

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  294. I have been following these comments for a while and they have given me a great laugh. He once hired me to decorate his “footballers mansion”. I actually had heard of him at the time and used to catch snippets of his talksport show. I spent 5 days giving the whole place a lick of paint and when i had finsihed he did nothing but complain and refused to pay. In the end, just to get paid i agreed to knock off 20% because business was slow and I was in mortgage arrears. Thankfully I overcharged on the quote (once I saw the house I was always going to quote more). The house was filthy and there was junk everywhere. Their bedroom had a weird smell and there bedding was minging. His wife was nice and offered me food but there kitchen was disgusting so I refused. Gaunt was a complete cunt with me and because he was paying by the day he insisted that I could do everything quicker and accused me of taking the piss. I was glad when the job was finished. I wont mention what i did to get my own back but they would have noticed a long lingering smell a few days later.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 12 votes.
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    1. That toxic smell has been following me around for 30 years now.

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    2. Hello anonymous or should I call you Clive? Remove your comment or I shall be forced to post how useless you were on your facebook page. I complained because you didn’t work full days as you had to take your child to school which meant you didn t arrive intil 9:30am and you left at 3pm to pick your child up. As for smells and bedding that is a lie which you should retract immediately. I seem to remember that you could have done with a bath yourself you stupid TWiT.

      Rating: 1.8/5. From 9 votes.
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      1. Rrrrrrretract or face the consequences.


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  295. Go on then Jon, post on my Facebook. Give everyone another good belly laugh at your expense. It would give me an excuse to tell a story or two about your wife that you wouldn’t want getting out.

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    1. You should be very careful what you say Clive. remove your posts now or I will no option but to take action angry you and your lies.

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  296. Only Gaunt would be as egotistical as to search for this website THEN FUCKING POST ON IT UNDER HIS OWN NAME!!!!!!!

    Mate your unlikely branching out into diets and medicine has at least stopped you being completely forgotten about in the business, gives us all a biiiiiiiiiig laugh at you whenever your name is mentioned.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 4 votes.
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  297. Listen Mike you better stay out of this. If Clive tells any more lies he will be getting a knock at the foot by the police. You will too if you carry on you silly boy.

    Rating: 1.7/5. From 6 votes.
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  298. Give my love to Lisa, Jon. And my regards to Lincoln. Top bloke him.

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  299. Please continue to abuse the cunt. It’s so unfair that I’m getting so much publicity for hanging myself. I would like that obese thieving bankrupting fucker to do the same.

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  300. I’ve left the cunt. I never really liked him anyway. Fat cunt.

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    1. If you want to start being perdonal then I will say that your minge smells like a tuna salad. Do nit forget you would be nothing without me. I hope your dad dies you TWiT.

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  302. Gaunt, you’re fucking finished you fat lazy cunt. I see the story about your wife and the piano tutor has got out in public as well. Marvellous. You’d better hope the few thick racist fuckers still listening to you don’t get to see his picture or you’ll lose them too. Anyway, if you have kids give em a kiss etc…

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    1. Don’t be a silly boy Mikme. I know things about you. Are you still a raving alcoholic you TWiT. Retract your foul lies now.

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      1. No wonder I died.

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        1. Remove your foul comment immediately.

          Rating: 1.0/5. From 7 votes.
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          1. Remember those lovely cock rubs I gave you in the bath Jon?

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  303. Even though I’m 95 years old my tits are as pert as an 18 year old’s thanks to the mystery moisturising cream I would always find inside my bras. Surely a blessing from God because I don’t know how else it would have got in there.

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  304. Ebony and ivory live together in perfect harmony
    Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Gaunt, why don’t we?

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  305. We have had to widen the entrance door of our shop so the fat cunt can get in. Fat cunt.

    Rating: 4.9/5. From 7 votes.
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  306. We went into administration due to the Gaunts weighing so much. Every time they flew with us we had to spend so much extra on fuel that we just couldn’t keep up the payments.

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  307. Thank fuck for the corona virus. Maybe stinky Jon will have a wash now. Is it any wonder I have been cultivating my pubic hair so that it exhibits the dense consistency of military grade barbed wire? I have to keep his flaccid little cock out at all costs. Whilst he can no longer penetrate, he will insist on having a jolly good go at it. As I lie there disinterested, I think of my favourite Chopin melodies. But then I am brought back to reality and look down and see a fat sweaty loser trying to clear a way through my unruly lady jungle with his shriveled cocktail sausage. I laugh, not too loudly, but then again he wouldn’t notice as he wafts aimlessly about with that fetid little thing of his. The worst part is it tickles but I have learnt that chomping on a scratching can alleviate the discomfort somewhat. Eventually, as he gives up sweaty and exhausted, I will pass him his favourite floral bra so that he can finish off in his own time. I don’t mind but I do wish he’d wash up after.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 9 votes.
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  308. FFS Jon stop ringing me already!

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    1. Pick up the phone. I want to repotr a website.

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  309. I could always smell Gaunty coming into the room, even if I couldn’t see the fat fucker. My dog would also whine a little.

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  310. we paid Gaunt and his brother a fortune and got nothing to show for it.

    Total cunt

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  311. Jon came into our local branch earlier on and bought up all the pork scratchings, double cream, bacon, black pudding, lard, and jumbo catering-sized tubs of butter he could carry. At first we thought he must have been panic-buying because of Coronavirus. But after he’d left, Sara on the tills told us he regularly buys such an enormous quantity of food, because he is such a greedy bastard!

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  312. Yes, I’m rampaging across the known world leaving a trail of devastation and ruin, but I’m only following the example Jon Gaunt set in his radio career.

    At some point I’ll call a councillor a Natsee, sire a couple of ugly gargoyles, get sacked from my own radio station, bully an award-winning presenter to the point of suicide, spend a fortune on piano tuition for Diedre Barlow and then be totally forgotten about by the public.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 9 votes.
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  313. I went into my local Sainsbury’s and told them I require some items in order to sort out a massive shitstain. They informed me they were all out of cleaning products due to panic buying.

    When I told them they had misunderstood and that I was actually talking about Jon, my fat, lazy, stinky, racist, bra wanking husband, you could have heard a pin drop.

    Frankly, if that’s their attitude they can fuck right off.

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 11 votes.
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  314. even I wouldn’t infect Gaunt. He’s a cunt.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 8 votes.
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  315. Ah Mr Gaunt he nice, he buys 10L of White Lighting a day from my shop, although he always tries to get them free with promise of mention on podcast, but then. he don’t produce podcast and I say no mention you must pay. He then went on about muslims and the work shy and threw £5 note at me for the 10L. He even waited for 1p change.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 7 votes.
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  316. Leave Gaunty alone. I’m hard for him.

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  317. Is it true that Jon has coronavirus? If he has, that’ll mean I’ve picked it up too. Twice nightly. Fuck’s sake.

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  318. I do no rike Jongle. I infect the fat rittle cunt.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  319. We are pleased to announce that this fat cunt has bought more Cyprus villas from us. One of his wife’s daughters (the fatter one) has just moved in, actually, waddled in.

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  320. Can I clarify that Jon Gaunt is a cunt.
    As the 14th incarnation of the Dalia Lama, I am expected to follow the Buddhist ways and treat each person as a soul on the journey to enlightenment, but all this diet of rice and vegetarian curry had me carrying a few extra pounds so I signed up to Simple as fat. That wanker took £9.99 a month and only said stop eating chips and rice and move to a pork scratchings and double cream lifestyle.
    I’ve lost no weight and my bowel movements are as irregular as his podcasts now.
    In the members only webinars I asked about eating vegetables me was just called a TWiT by him he also refused to send any money back.
    What a cunt.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 7 votes.
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  321. Pyecrust Jon, NF? Jon tried to blackmail me when he found out I was gay, a bit pointless really has everybody knows I bashed blokes bishops for years.

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    1. How weird, I post on talkforum and my real name is Scott Owens and I’m a brown hatter also. Perhaps we could meet up, if we tie the knott we won’t have to change
      surnames, winner. Thanks Jon, trolling you for years could get me laid.

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  322. I once met Jon Gaunt in the BBC Canteen, when he very rudely pushed in front of me to swipe the last four fish fingers at the heated buffet. At the time, I distinctly remember thinking “what a rude cunt” and so I was delighted to find this page, that is finally exposing him, for the true cunt that he is.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 9 votes.
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  323. Hello,

    We specialise in DNA and parentage testing. We’d love to offer our services to Jon, his wife and her slightly darker lumpen dortah. For a small fee, say forty quid?

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  324. Jon she’s fucking Lincoln. Every fucking night. And when she’s not fucking Lincoln, she’s thinking about fucking Lincoln. And you’re cock-dead, limp, useless and pathetic. You’re terrified that the kids aren’t yours. You’re terrified your racist fans will find out. You are pitiful.

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  325. The eldest dortah’s thighs are juicier than a ripe watermelon. I would give both nuts to have them wrapped around my face, yumma yumma yumma!

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  326. Listen Mike you silly boy, you need to delete this filthy comment immediately. If nit there will be consequences. I will name and shame you, on my next podcast and let the whole world know that you are a disgusting and vile troll!!

    Rating: 2.8/5. From 8 votes.
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  327. Jongle is NIT a bully. Leave him alone you bunch of cunts.

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  328. Pycrust Jon, NF? I will destroy you Jon with my constant witty quips on talkforum.

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    1. That’s weird bro, I shit all over talkforum too with my witty quips, and my real name is Scott Owens, what a cunt we are, err both are I mean.

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  329. Lincoln Noel. Lisa Gaunt.


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  330. I do wish that Jon would stop sitting on me, his arse is so massive and fat, lardy and sweaty, it causes me great pain and agony when he plonks it down it on my seat. But the worst bit, is when he lets out one of his pongy, eggy guffs!

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  331. I’ve nearly died at least fifty times, almost always on the weekend that Lisa’s soon-to-be-ex-husband had planned to be marching with the blackshirts.

    We wish she’d married that lovely, handsome, talented Lincoln in the first place. It’s not easy having a racist failure in the extended family, especially when he begs us to help pay the £2700pcm rent.

    Anyway, now the virus is here it’s odds-on I won’t be around to be his convenient excuse for much longer. Only question is whether it’s me, the poodle or my daughter’s marriage that croaks first.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 6 votes.
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  332. I am so sick of living in the house with this fat cunt that I have decided to kill myself.
    His constant anger and resentment means he frequently kicks me when he hears the piano teacher giving a lesson to his ugly Mrs. I’m not sure how her constantly screaming and moaning for the piano teacher to tickle her ovaries, helps her playing but she seems exhausted after each lesson and looks like she has been dragged through a hedge after the lesson. Cunt Gaunt also sits around all day drinking and telling me he would not change anything about this life as he is a man of principles. His wife’s illegitimate child just laughs at this and says both the kids think he’s a cunt. My former nice food has stopped being served since he has been pretending to run his diet scam and he is now stealing the meat from my food and I am forced to beg at the butchers as he will not feed me.
    I can’t go in and have been looking at visiting Dognitas but with the virus lock down I cannot fly.
    I have considered jumping in the canal to end it all but he never goes on the walks he claims so I’m locked UK with the fat cunt all day.
    I saw in one of his wife’s book the following quote and I can’t wait to die to leave this cunt
    “Death is a fearful thing.” “To die, to sleep—to sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there’s the rub, for in this sleep of death, what dreams may come.”

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 8 votes.
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  333. I thought when I was made I might be used to clear up sick or baby poo or even love juices after a session. Never did I think I’d be laid on by a fat unemployable bra onanist. I can confirm he is a cunt.

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  334. I took Jon’s virginity

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  335. Can you see what I had to contend with and why I bunged him in a kiddies home? You are welcome to the fat cunt

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  336. Lincoln fulfills my sexual needs, nothing more nothing less. He’s a man unlike my cock dead cuckolded cunt husband.

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  337. I vould just like to konfirrrm zat I alvays zought Jon Gaunt vas big fat lazy kunt and even morrre toxic zan I vas when I vas alive.

    Sent from Hell

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  339. Where’s our money Fat boy?

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  340. Have you been scammed by a fake, dangerous diet? Has your cock stopped working? Has your wife run off with a piano teacher? Worry no more. Get your money back now before it’s too late and the administrators are called in.

    Call us now on 0800 129 129 to claim your refund. Just quote “Bacon 129” to get a frrrrrrrrree tub of double cream. Don’t delay call today. (Calls may be monitored and recorded for entertainment reasons).

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  341. We live a few doors down from Jon (won’t reveal exactly where) and we’ve suffered tremendously in the last two years, especially since he’s been on the ‘more fat the better’ diet plan.

    My husband and I dread catching a whiff of him as he strolls past us multiple times a day, clutching his M&S bag from 2018 He seems to have lost control of his bowels as he let’s of an almighty fart out every 30 seconds. He usually blames them on the nearest foreigner, but since our road is deserted now he blames his eldest relative or the piano teachers girlfriend.

    I thought self isolation would give us some peace, but he’s marching up and down the street demanding signatures for the local garden centre to reopen. I’ve offered to donate a few quid to his website so he can stay indoors and do some podcasts out of harms way, but he called me a bigot and a remoaner.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 10 votes.
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  342. I had a lovely bank holiday. I visited Lincoln. Oh, how I worshiped it’s heavenly erect spire. My God, my muff has taken such a pounding over the bank holiday. Unfortunately, upon my return to the Midlands my husband found out what I’d been up to. To my surprise, he was very sympathetic and when I told him about the soreness he very helpfully offered to prepare his ‘special ointment’ to ease my pain.

    Little did I know that his special ointment was one of his disgusting chili recipes. He could have told me. Now, after careful application, it feels like there’s a rampaging Australian bush fire down there. I have called the fire service 3 times but they are nit answering. Hopefully at some point they will be able to respond to my call and douse my lady area. At the same time they might be able to put the useless fat cunt out too.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 11 votes.
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  343. We don’t need your stinking chilli recipes giving us a bad name you cunto.

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  344. I’v been delivering to Jon’s Street for 20 years, but since my man moved in tings av gon downhill. He gets industrial sized packs of pork scratchings delivered every few days, but every time me try knocking on da door his missus come out wiv stockings on, like she be waiting for me to arrive, she always says “come in, Jon is out feeding the ducks, he won’t be back for hours. Plus he absolutely pissed off his face anyway “. Now me don’t know if that’s some kind of sexual innuendo, but it make me awkward.

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  345. Any news stories on Jon Gaunt? Contact

    We’re currently looking at his diet plan in particular, claims that he’s lost a lot of weight have been proven to be false. He made that pretty easy for us when he stormed into our headquarters last Friday, with a pint of double cream in one hand and a bottle of White Lighting in the other, demanding a writeup about his “hugeeeely successful nit a diet”, we laughed uncontrollably, thinking it was a Jeremy Beadle type sketch, but when he started getting angry and downing the full fat cream we knew he meant business.

    He then started shouting profanities, comparing us to his employers, who I think he said were a massive media company in Russia “my mate Poootin will finish the lot of ya” he splurted out of his cream-stained lips.

    Jon was removed from the building. It took three security guards to get him down the stairs, not because of his strength, but he was still trying to use Twitter during the whole ordeal and was screeching uncontrollably.

    He wrote to us the next day demanding we “retrrrract”. We binned the letter and laughed at him, obviously.

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  346. When Gaunt was presented with an empty radio studio and newspapers and no working phone lines, he went ape shit and very unprofessional. And we all ended up thinking he was a cunt.

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  347. Thank fuck I’m dead now. I could never stand that racist cunt.

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  348. So, we have broken up an illegal gathering on Mill Street in Warwick. An unemployed man Jon Gaunt, his estranged wife and a sickly poodle are the only registered occupants according to the landlord, yet when we went round we found the Gaunts, pissed on cheap gin, with an ugly woman in her mid 20s and an old dear, who looked like Olive from On The Buses run through a photo ageing app. In these coronavirus times, this is of course highly illegal and inappropriate and so we broke the gathering up and fined them all £129, even though the fattest one said he’d spent his last £80 on a microphone.

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  349. (Translated from the original Turkish)

    Hello, St George here. I’d like to distance myself today from the toxic, racist failure Jonathan Charles Gaunt. I admit we do have things in common, namely I too attract a following of thick nationalist morons, I am also only remembered once a year, and I too stuck my weapon into a hideous, ugly beast. Except I didn’t marry it afterwards.

    It’s not good for my reputation to be associated with a fat Russian shill and traitor to his country like Gaunt, so just to let you know I think he’s a cunt.

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  350. We have been forced to confirm yet again that Gaunt is both a fat cunt and a lying cunt.
    He is still making up lies about his diet and we have been forced to act again.
    Him trying to make money from people worrying about Coronavirus is as low these Cunts who steal money from pensioners by pretending to go and read the gas meter but pop upstairs and steal their savings from under the bed.
    This fat cunt is a disgrace and we have been forced to again tell the world that his diet doesn’t work and that it won’t make his floppy cock work just by wanking with butter and double cream.
    As we have explained to Gaunt ( but he was too pissed on white lightning to understand) the way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume. It’s not rocket science you fat cunt, just stop being greedy, eat less and move more.
    Officially the ASA state Gaunt is a cunt ( and a fat one at that)

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  351. This day is call’d the feast of Gaunt.
    He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
    Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam’d,
    And rouse him at the name of Gaunt.
    He that shall live this day, and see old age,
    Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
    And say “To-morrow is Gaunty fuck’d.”
    Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars,
    And say “These tweets I had on Gaunty’s day.”
    Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,
    But he’ll remember, with advantages,
    What feats he did that day. Then shall our names,
    Familiar in his mouth as household words—
    Colinwarriormonkey, Vespa and TerryTibbs,
    Birdie and Shivah, JockBauer and Davidarthur—
    Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb’red.
    This story shall the good man teach his son;
    And Jonathan Charles Gaunt shall ne’er work again,
    From this day to the ending of the world,
    But we in it shall be rememberèd—
    We few, we happy few, we band of brrrrrrothers;
    For he to-day that reported Gaunt to the ASA with me
    Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
    This day shall gentle his condition;
    And gentlemen in England now a-bed
    Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
    And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
    That fought with us upon The End Of Gaunty day.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 12 votes.
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  352. Rrrrrrrrrrrejoice! Rrrrrrrrrrrejoice! Rrrrrrrrrrrejoice!

    Agree? Retweet.

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  353. We are no longer partners Gaunt. I cannot help you and the pleece stop Cunto. You cunt.

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  354. So there I was, in the garage pummeling the shit out me bag (I’m a boxer see) and this fat cunt gets in touch. He wants me to do a special ‘assignment’. After I looked up what that meant I say ‘Great. No fucking probs mate. What sorta wonga we talking?’ And then the fat cunt gets all shirty with this ‘do you know who I am’ bollocks. I sez, I don’t give a shit who you are fat boy. I am gonna want remuneration for the job right? He offers me a box of scratchings and I tell yer, I flipped my shit right then and there. One fucking box of scratchings? I sez ‘YOU TIGHT FAT CUNT!!!’ I was fucking aggravated. You do not wanna get me fucking aggravated. Then he offered to throw in some bags of grated cheddar and a double cream cock massage from some speccy bird and before you could say wankinabra we had a deal. ‘Appy days!

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  355. Hmm I think our NDAs are up now Jon.

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  356. How old was Olive huh huh huh when you put it inside her?

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  357. Can anyone forward Jon’s number to my bike store please – he came in a few months ago and took one of the bikes for a test run. He left his bag as security, but when he never returned we opened the bag, only to find 9 packs of butter and 12 litres of cream. Does he own a café by any chance? This cannot be for personal consumption.

    The bike was later found outside Weatherspoons with damaged front and rear suspension. We advised him of the 150kg weight limit but he wouldn’t listen.

    Witnesses from the pub say they saw a huge guy singing the Russian national anthem whilst trying to sell screensaver poppy’s for a fiver each.

    Has he lost his mind?

    Rating: 4.6/5. From 9 votes.
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  358. He’s a cunt and I’m qualified to know

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  359. Jon got in touch with me and offered the following list of payments for my services

    Gentle intimidation – a single pork scratching
    A slap – the whole bag
    Kneecapping – a carton of double cream
    Broken Arms – A stick of butter
    Snuffing him out – his last leftover creme egg.

    As a professional, I was going to tell him to fuck off as I only offer my services for cold hard cash, but he threw me under the bus and I got banned from twitter.

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  360. Leave My Hero Jon alone.

    He is not a racist. His diet works. He does not shill for Russia. He never bullied Iain Lee. Both his daughters could have been supermodels and are definitely his. His wife is beautiful and has never had a piano lesson in her life. Talksport never sacked him. He’s never been bankrupt. And he has never told a single lie ever.

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    1. thank you verrrrrry verrrrrry much indeed Andy. the cheque is in the post!

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  361. Awesome post.

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  362. I can confirm he’s never ever been inside me.

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  363. I’m still sorry for inflicting the radio waves with Jon Gaunt.

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  364. I killed the wrong cunt. Sorry pops. Agree?

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  365. Jon is nit paying me to produce his Facebook live shows but I get to have a go on Olive. Thank you verrrrrrrrrry verrrrrrrrry much indeeeeed.

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  366. Feel free to troll this cunt on our platform. We will nit suspend your account. Agree?

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  367. So we finally had our first guest on! Charlie – he was a real wanker.

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  368. Gaunty you fat cunt. Tinklin Lincoln is Dosie’s dad, and you fucking hate it.

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  369. The man is a cunt
    I keep sending him messages on his horribly watched TV station and his wanking sidekick (Pornhub Phil) keeps shadow banning me.
    Still my Ben Dover and Phil McCavity messages get read out.
    What a pair of clueless cunts they are

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  370. Vladimir Putin here. Let me tell you that Comrade Jon, Hero Of The Soviet Union, is a great patriot who loves his country. And his very beautiful wife is definitely not being fucked from arseholeski to beakski by a man blacker than the Black Sea at Odessa. And anyone who says otherwise will go the same way as Litvinenko.

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  371. Watch me on Telly you no marks – Jin Gunt TV and on Ficebook.
    I’m the greatest bra caster in Brrrrrrri’un!

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  372. I luve John Gunt

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  373. I’m nit a drug pusher you fat cunt.

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  374. Any of you lovely ladies want to give me a bra to test huh huh huh?

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    1. Jongle filmed me wanking and put it all over his nit a TV show.
      The shame of this being shown to 6 people worldwide has damaged my career immeasurably.
      My legal tea are all over this.

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  375. I’m getting fed up of this cunt. He constantly takes the piss out of me and now he’s banned me from wanking on camera. Fat cunt.

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  376. Is anyone here in a position to recommend Push Up Bras? Cheers xxx

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  377. He wanked in our bras too!

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  378. Have you seen this losers wife? Being that ugly should be a felony. Agree?

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  379. I’m nit Pete.
    I’m a derrrranged trrrroll from Leicester.

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  380. I really love Kankutlawns – I love it when his cock is deep inside me.

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  381. The fat bastard keeps feeding me Olives leftover bacon.
    No wonder I have 16 seizures a day and stink of piss

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  382. Jin Gaunt is very fat and smells of yeast and piss.

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  383. Jon Gaunt loves free speech – so much so he gets forums closed down that are about free speech.

    But he’s nit a hypocrite.

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  384. I first met Gauntski when he asked me if he could use my image as a photo for a Twitter sock account under the name Melissa Watson. He promised to bring me to the UK for a better life but the fat cuntski spent my airfare on double cream and pork scratchings. I fucking hate him

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  386. Jin is a brrrra wanking fat cunt

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  387. Olive luvs Lincoln

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  388. I’m still a GB News cunt. Agree?

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  389. I was happy on GB News until a junior said we must have Jon Gaunt on.
    I then decided to quit. Anything but that fat nit a diet shyster. Agree? Retweet?

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  390. Thanks! An abundance of facts.

    My website

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