Tory Prime Minister Tony Blair is a Cunt

Cuntocracy In Action

Did you know about this Cunto Connection?

Labour warlord Tony Blair is the Godfather of one of the children of Shit-feed baron Rupert Murdoch.

Both are star cards in the 2018 Cunto Cards deck.

So Happy Together

It’s possible this relationship has something to do with the lack of a Hillsborough enquiry when Labour were in power.

Independent analysts have studied the relationship and claimed that both of them would kill a baby deer with their bare hands of it meant a fraction more power.

They’re just cunts.

Both are available to vote for on the all-time Cunto Rankings where, at the time of writing, Murdoch is out-performing Blair


  1. top 3 cunts are 1.labour 2. foreigners 3. lesbians and Shakespeare fans

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  2. I never liked tony blair but he married sherry blair and her dad was a wel known actor ,he was really famous but never did get an Oscar, he was in a really famous show called Crossroads where he played a character called Benny. but he wasn’t acting ,he just decided to play it straight and be himself,any way ,he was so good he ended up giving tips to that useless old cunt Lawrence Olivier who normally played a butler ,Olivier was the sort of raving poof who would get drunk and give a tramp a blow job,once he got done for stealing a chicken.Benny was in love with miss Dianne {Dianne Abbott} before she met Jeremy ,{right cunt of a name}

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